Table17-2.backgroundmodecommands(continued) – Maxim Integrated MAX31782 User Manual

Page 139

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MaximIntegrated 17-4

MAX31782 User’s Guide

Revision 0; 8/11







ReaddatafromtheICDA. The contents of the ICDA register are loaded into the debug shift reg-
ister through the ICDB register for host read . This command requires two follow-on transfer cycles
with the least significant byte first .



ReaddatafromtheICDD. The contents of the ICDD register are loaded into the debug shift reg-
ister through the ICDB register for host read . This command requires two follow-on transfer cycles
with the least significant byte first .


Read BP0

ReaddatafromtheBP0 .The contents of the BP0 register are loaded into the debug shift register
through the ICDB register for host read . This command requires two follow-on transfer cycles with
the least significant byte first .


Read BP1

ReaddatafromtheBP1. The contents of the BP1 register are loaded into the debug shift register
through the ICDB register for host read . This command requires two follow-on transfer cycles with
the least significant byte first .


Read BP2

ReaddatafromtheBP2. The contents of the BP2 register are loaded into the debug shift register
through the ICDB register for host read . This command requires two follow-on transfer cycles with
the least significant byte first .


Read BP3

ReaddatafromtheBP3. The contents of the BP3 register are loaded into the debug shift register
through the ICDB register for host read . This command requires two follow-on transfer cycles with
the least significant byte first .


Read BP4

ReaddatafromtheBP4. The contents of the BP4 register are loaded into the debug shift register
via the ICDB register for host read . This command requires two follow-on transfer cycles with the
least significant byte first .


Read BP5

ReaddatafromtheBP5. The contents of the BP5 register are loaded into the debug shift register
via the ICDB register for host read . This command requires two follow-on transfer cycles with the
least significant byte first .


Write ICDC

WritecontroldatatotheICDC. The contents of ICDB are loaded into the ICDC register by the
debug engine at the end of the data transfer cycle .


Write ICDA

WritedatatotheICDA. The contents of ICDB are loaded into the ICDA register by the debug
engine at the end of the data transfer cycles . Data is transferred with the least significant byte first .


Write ICDD

WritedatatotheICDD. The contents of ICDB are loaded into the ICDD register by the debug
engine at the end of data transfer cycles . Data is transferred with the least significant byte first .


Write BP0

WritedatatotheBP0. The contents of ICDB are loaded into the BP0 register by the debug
engine at the end of data transfer cycles . Data is transferred with the least significant byte first .


Write BP1

WritedatatotheBP1. The contents of ICDB are loaded into the BP1 register by the debug
engine at the end of data transfer cycles . Data is transferred with the least significant byte first .


Write BP2

WritedatatotheBP2. The contents of ICDB are loaded into the BP2 register by the debug
engine at the end of data transfer cycles . Data is transferred with the least significant byte first .


Write BP3

WritedatatotheBP3. The contents of ICDB are loaded into the BP3 register by the debug
engine at the end of data transfer cycles . Data is transferred with the least significant byte first .


Write BP4

WritedatatotheBP4. The contents of ICDB are loaded into the BP4 register by the debug
engine at the end of data transfer cycles . Data is transferred with the least significant byte first .


Write BP5

WritedatatotheBP5. The contents of ICDB are loaded into the BP5 register by the debug
engine at the end of data transfer cycles . Data is transferred with the least significant byte first .



Debugcommand. This command forces the debug engine into debug mode and halts the CPU
operation at the completion of the current instruction after the debug command is recognized by
the debug engine .