Can 0 message center 1 control register (c0m1c), Can 0 m, Essage – Maxim Integrated High-Speed Microcontroller Users Guide: DS80C390 Supplement User Manual
Page 46: Enter, Ontrol, Egister, C0m1c)

High-Speed Microcontroller User’s Guide: DS80C390 Supplement
46 of 158
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RC-0 R*-0 R*-0 R*-0
R = Unrestricted Read, C = Clear Only, * = See description below, -n = Value after Reset
Bit 7
CAN 0 Message Center 1 Ready. This bit is used by the Microcontroller to
prevent the CAN module from accessing message center 1 while the
microcontroller is updating message attributes. These include as identifiers
(arbitration registers 0-3), data byte registers 0-7, data byte count (DTBYC3-
DTBYC0), direction control (T/R), the extended or standard mode bit
(EX/ST), and the mask enables (MEME and MDME) associated with this
message center. When this bit is 0, the CAN 0 processor will ignore this
message center for transmit, receive, or remote frame request operations.
MSRDY is cleared following a microcontroller hardware reset or a reset
generated by the CRST bit in the CAN 0 Control Register, and must also
remain in a cleared mode until all the CAN 0 initialization has been
completed. Individual message MSRDY controls can be changed after
initialization to reconfigure specific messages, without interrupting the
communication of other messages on the CAN 0 Bus.
Bit 6
CAN 0 Message Center 1 Enable Transmit Interrupt. Setting ETI to a 1 will
enable a successful CAN 0 transmission in message center 1 to set the INTRQ bit
for this message center, which in turn issues an interrupt to the microcontroller.
When ETI is cleared to 0 a successful transmission will not set INTRQ bit and
will not generate an interrupt. Note that the ETI bit located in Message Center 15
is ignored by the CAN module, since the message center 15 is a receive only
message center.
Bit 5
CAN 0 Message Center 1 Enable Receive Interrupt. Setting ERI to a 1
will enable a successful CAN 0 reception and storage in message center 1 to
set the INTRQ bit for this message center which in turn will issue an interrupt
to the microcontroller. When ERI is cleared to 0 a successful reception will
not set the INTRQ bit and as such will not generate an interrupt.
Bit 4
CAN 0 Message Center 1 Interrupt Request. This bit serves as a CAN
interrupt flag, indicating the successful transmission or reception of a
message in this message center. INTRQ is automatically set when ERI=1 and
message center 1 successfully receives and stores a message. The INTRQ bit
is also set to a 1 when ETI is set and the CAN 1 logic completes a successful
transmission. The INTRQ interrupt request must be also enabled by the EA
global mask in the IE SFR register if the interrupt is to be acknowledged by
the microcontroller interrupt logic. This flag must be cleared by software.
Bit 3
CAN 0 Message Center 1 External Transmit Request. When EXTRQ is
cleared to a 0, there are no pending requests by external CAN nodes for this
message. When EXTRQ is set to a 1, a request has been made for this
message by an external CAN node, but the CAN 0 controller has not yet
completed the service request. Following the completion of a requested