Rockwell Automation Liqui-Flo AC GP Vector Drive Version 6.4 User Manual
Page 222

LiquiFlo AC Drive, Software Reference Version 6.4
Snubber Resistor Kit, see Input Power/Snubber
Configuration (H.017)
Software Version Number (P.098), 4-53
Speed Display Scaling (P.028), 4-30 to 4-31
Speed loop, G-1, G-6
Speed reference, 4-6 to 4-7
displaying, 3-2 to 3-3
manual, 3-5
see also
Minimum Speed (P.003)
Maximum Speed (P.004)
Terminal Strip Speed Reference Source
Draw Gain Percentage (P.016)
Jog Speed Reference (P.020)
Speed regulation
programming the drive for, 4-68
switching between torque and speed, 4-16
Speed Regulator Integral Gain (U.013), 4-75
Speed Regulator Proportional Gain (U.012), 4-75
Speed setpoint, see Speed Reference
Start-up procedures
vector (FVC and SVC), 2-1 to 2-37
volts/hertz, 1-1 to 1-24
STOP/RESET Key Disable (P.055), 4-46
Stop Type (P.025), 4-28 to 4-29
Stopping the drive
coast-to-rest, see Stop Type (P.025)
ramp-to-rest, see Stop Type (P.025)
see also
DC Braking Enable (H.005)
Decel Time 1 (P.002)
Jog Ramp Decel time (P.022)
Option Port: Communication Loss Response
Stop Type (P.025)
Terminal Strip Digital Inputs Configure (P.007)
SVC Flux Current Regulator Gain (U.032), 4-84
SVC Slip Adjust (U.030), 4-83
SVC Sync Direction (U.031), 4-84
SVC, see Sensorless Vector Control
Sync Direction (H.016), 4-62
Terminal Strip
Control Source (P.000)
Function Loss Response (P.026)
Output Relay Configuration (P.013)
Torque Reference source (U.000)
Trim Reference Source (P.014)
Terminal Strip Analog Input Configure (P.011), 4-19
to 4-20
Terminal Strip Analog Input Gain (P.010), 4-19
Terminal Strip Analog Input Offset (P.009), 4-18
Terminal Strip Analog Output Source (P.012), 4-20
to 4-21
Terminal Strip Digital Inputs Configure (P.007),
4-14 to 4-16
Terminal Strip Speed Reference Source (P.008),
4-17 to 4-18
Thermal overload, see Motor Overload
Torque Boost Voltage (H.003), 4-56
Torque Reference Source (U.000), 4-68
Torque regulation
programming the drive for, 4-68
switching between torque and speed, 4-16
Torque Regulator Integral Gain (U.015), 4-76
Torque Regulator Proportional Gain (U.014), 4-76
Torque Self-Tune Enable (U.008), 4-72 to 4-74
Torque Self-Tune Result (U.009), 4-74
Trim Gain Percentage (P.015), 4-23
Trim Reference Source (P.014), 4-22
U parameters, 4-68 to 4-89
listed alphabetically, A-3
Vector parameters, 4-68 to 4-89
listed alphabetically, A-3
Vector regulation
programming the drive for, 4-16
selecting, see Volts/Hertz or Vector Regulation
start-up procedures, 2-1 to 2-37
Volts/Hertz Curve Type (H.018), 4-64
Volts/Hertz or Vector Regulation (P.048), 4-39
Volts/Hertz parameters, 4-54 to 4-67
listed alphabetically, A-2
Volts/Hertz regulation
selecting, see Volts/Hertz or Vector Regulation
start-up procedures, 1-1 to 1-24
Zero Speed Hold Time (U.025), 4-81