Rockwell Automation Liqui-Flo AC GP Vector Drive Version 6.4 User Manual
Page 221

OCL see Outer Control Loop
OIM, see Operator Interface Module
Open-loop regulation, see Volts/Hertz Regulation
Operator Interface Module, 4-6 to 4-7, 4-15, 4-41,
4-44, 4-46
Option Port: Communication Loss Response
(P.062), 4-48
Option Port: Network Reference Source (P.063),
Option Port: Network Trim Reference Source
(P.064), 4-49
Option Port: Type and Version (P.065), 4-49
Outer Control Loop Feedback Source (U.040), 4-85
Outer Control Loop Integral Gain (U.046), 4-88
Outer Control Loop Lead/Lag Low Frequency
(U.042), 4-86
Outer Control Loop Lead/Lag Ratio (U.043), 4-86
Outer Control Loop Lead/Lag Select (U.041), 4-85
Outer Control Loop Proportional Gain (U.045), 4-87
Outer Control Loop Proportional Trim Enable
(U.048), 4-89
Outer Control Loop Reference Gain (U.044), 4-87
Outer Control Loop Trim Range Percentage
(U.047), 4-88
Output, analog
polarity, 4-20
selection and scaling, 4-21
see also
Terminal Strip Analog Output Source (P.012)
Output Phase Loss Enable (P.045), 4-38
Output Relay Configuration (P.013), 4-21
Overfrequency Limit (H.022), 4-67
Overspeed protection, 4-9
P parameters, 4-6 to 4-54
listed alphabetically, A-1 to A-2
listed alphabetically, A-1 to A-4
configurable, 4-2
displaying, 4-3 to 4-5
European default settings, D-1 to D-4
First Menu General, 4-6 to 4-54
H, 4-54 to 4-67
Japanese default settings, D-1 to D-4
menu structure, 4-2
modifying, 4-3 to 4-5
P, 4-6 to 4-54
password protection, 4-5 to 4-6
Power Module-dependent default values, C-1
read only, 4-2
record of user settings, B-1 to B-5
restoring defaults, see Restore Defaults
Second Menu General, 4-11 to 4-54
tunable, 4-2
types, 4-2
U, 4-68 to 4-89
USA default settings, D-1 to D-4
Vector, 4-68 to 4-89
Volts/Hertz, 4-54 to 4-67
accessing Second Menu, see Second Menu
Password (P.006)
LED, 3-8
preventing parameter modification, see
Programming Disable (P.051)
Power Module Output Amps (P.095), 4-53
Power Module Type (P.099), 4-54
Preset Speed 1 (P.031), 4-32 to 4-34
Preset Speed 2 (P.032), 4-32 to 4-34
Preset Speed 3 (P.033), 4-32 to 4-34
Preset Speed 4 (P.034), 4-32 to 4-34
Preset Speed 5 (P.035), 4-32 to 4-34
Preset Speed 6 (P.036), 4-32 to 4-34
Preset Speed 7 (P.037), 4-32 to 4-34
Preset Speed 8 (P.038), 4-32 to 4-34
Program mode, 3-3 to 3-4
Programming Disable (P.051), 4-40
r parameters, A-3 to A-4
selecting, see Volts/Hertz or Vector Regulation
types, VII, G-1
Reference block diagrams, G-3 to G-8
Remote Meter Interface board, 4-1, 4-10, 4-11,
4-18, 4-22, 4-33, 4-49, 4-53
Restore Defaults (P.050), 4-40
RMI board, see Remote Meter Interface Board
Rotor Time Constant (U.021), 4-79
S-Curve Enable (P.019), 4-25
Second Menu parameters, 4-11 to 4-89
Second Menu Password (P.006), 4-10
Sensorless vector control, 2-1, 4-39, 4-70, G-1, G-4
Slip Compensation (H.004), 4-57