Ndex – Rockwell Automation Liqui-Flo AC GP Vector Drive Version 6.4 User Manual
Page 219

AC Line Volts (H.021), 4-67
AC Line Volts (U.018), 4-78
Accel Time 1 (RAMP 1) (P.001), 4-7 to 4-8
Accel Time 2 (RAMP 2) (P.017), 4-24
Alarm codes, 5-1, 5-2
Analog input, see Input, Analog
Analog output, see Output, Analog
AUTO/MAN Key Disable (P.052), 4-41
AutoMax Network Communication Option board,
4-7, 4-47, 4-48, 4-49, 4-51
Avoidance Frequency Band 1 (H.011), 4-61
Avoidance Frequency Band 2 (H.013), 4-61
Avoidance Frequency Band 3 (H.015), 4-61
Avoidance Frequency Enable (H.009), 4-60
Avoidance Frequency Midpoint 1 (H.010), 4-61
Avoidance Frequency Midpoint 2 (H.012), 4-61
Avoidance Frequency Midpoint 3 (H.014), 4-61
Braking, see DC Braking
Carrier Frequency (kHz) (P.047), 4-38
Closed-loop control, see Vector Regulation
Control and Configuration Software, 1-24, 2-37, 4-6
ControlNet Network Communication Option board,
4-7, 4-47, 4-48, 4-49, 4-51
Control Source (P.000), 4-6 to 4-7
Country Defaults (P.049), 4-39
CS3000, see Control and Configuration Software
Current Compounding Gain (U.026), 4-82
Current Limit (P.005), 4-10
Custom Software Identification Number, 4-53
DC Braking Current (H.007), 4-59
DC Braking Enable (H.005), 4-58
DC Braking Start Frequency (H.006), 4-58
DC Braking Time (H.008), 4-59
Decel Time 1 (RAMP 1) (P.002), 4-8
Decel Time 2 (RAMP 2) (P.018), 4-24
DeviceNet Communication Option board, 4-7, 4-47,
4-48, 4-49,
Diagnostics Display (P.091), 4-52 to 4-53
Diagnostics Source (P.090), 4-52
Digital Input, see Input, Digital
Display, 3-4 to 3-5, see also Keypad/display
scaling, see Speed Display Scaling (P.028)
Draw Gain Percentage (P.016), 4-23
Drive faults, see Fault Codes
Elapsed Time Meter (P.029), 4-32
Elapsed Time Meter Reset (P.030), 4-32
Encoder Loss Enable (P.039), 4-34
Encoder PPR (U.001), 4-69
Error codes, see Alarm Codes, Fault Codes, Error
Error log, 5-1, 5-6 to 5-8
Fault Auto Reset Attempts (P.043), 4-36 to 4-37
Fault Auto Reset Time (P.044), 4-37
Fault codes, 5-1, 5-3 to 5-6
fatal, 5-9
see also Error Log
Field Weakening Start RPM (U.016), 4-77
First Menu parameters, 4-6 to 4-10
Flux Current Regulator Integral Gain (U.020), 4-79
Flux Current Regulator Proportional Gain (U.019),
Flux vector control, 4-1, 4-39, G-1, G-4
Forward/Reverse Configuration (P.027), 4-30
Function Loss Response (P.026), 4-29
FVC, see Flux Vector Control
General Parameters, 4-6 to 4-57
First Menu, 4-6 to 4-10
listed alphabetically, A-1 to A-2
Second Menu, 4 -11 to 4-54