Overview of the remaining configuration procedures – Rockwell Automation 1771-QDC, D17716.5.87(Passport) CLAMP AND EJECT MODE User Manual

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Overview of the Remaining

Configuration Procedures

Chapter 3


Configuration procedures detailed over the next several chapters are
outlined below. The procedures are sequential in nature: configuration
information determined in initial chapters is needed in later chapters.

Step: Procedure:

Enter this Information:

Refer to:


Jog Your Machine

Machine jog pressure and flow setpoints are

entered into the Jog Configuration (JGC) block.

You actually jog your clamp and ejector with

commands in the Dynamic Command Block (DYC)

to further refine your jog configuration.

Jog pressure alarm setpoints are configured.

Chapter 5


Write a PLC Program to

Coordinate Phases

The QDC module offers many machine operation

options to meet nearly any injection molding

machine's requirements.

PLC ladder logic is required to cycle the machine in

the desired manner.

Chapter 6


Enter Values in Clamp and

Eject Configuration Blocks

Valves/Outputs responsible for controlling pressure

or flow, Valve spanning values, Ramp rates.

Chapter 7

(Refined in Chapters

9 & 10)


Enter Initial Clamp and Eject

Profile Values

Initial machine operation setpoints (pressure,

velocity, position, time setpoints, other partĆspecific


Chapter 8

(Procedurally tuned

in Chapters 9 & 10)


Span your Machine's Valves

Configuration parameters necessary to accurately

span your clamp and eject valves are modified.

Profile Pressure Alarms are set.

Chapter 9


Tune Your Machine

Topics to consider when machine and part tuning

are discussed.

Chapter 10

Overview of the Remaining

Configuration Procedures