Celebrate the success of your deployment – Google Apps for Work User Manual
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Life After Go-Live
Celebrate the success of your deployment
If you don’t celebrate, everybody will think you take them for granted.
You also want to recognize the achievements of your team and your
user community. You’d better celebrate.
Here are some ways you might celebrate the success of your Google Apps
Have your sponsor send a message describing the success of the
deployment. You should explain the progress you’ve made achieving
your project goals.
Recognize the contributions of your project team and Google
Guides. You recognize them in a meeting, in an email, or even a blog
post on an internal website.
Reward users who embrace Google Apps. Consider conducting a
contest where you reward users who come up with most innovative
new uses of Google Apps.
Reinforce your Google Apps vision. You can even reuse that
fabulous marketing campaign you worked so hard to develop during
your project.
The result: Closure to a successful project.
“We had to change the way we think
when we were working with our users.
We had to become more accessible.”
—Rosemary Arce, Collaboration
Architecture, Seagate Technology
Seagate Technology is a storage device
manufacturing company based in the United
States. It has 19,000 Google Apps users.
Celebrate your success
Learning from Solarmora, a fictionalized company
Solarmora had done it! They’d helped their users
make a smooth transition to Google Apps. Now it
was time to announce the migration was complete,
and to recognize all the people who made that
happen. Andy’s budget was running low and he had
run out of t-shirts...how would he thank the team
that helped make the deployment successful?
Aha! Andy asked others to help recognize his going
Google heroes. Andy got his executive sponsor to
craft a personal thank-you message. He used the
effort to spotlight a few of the outstanding players,
mentioning some of the more enterprising aspects
of the campaign. He made a simple video, and
attached it to his company-wide email. On the same
day, local Google Guides sent out their own thanks
to their offices’ own “going Google” heroes—users
that went out of their way to make it all happen.