Conduct your deployment planning workshop – Google Apps for Work User Manual

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Build Your Change Management Approach


Conduct your deployment planning workshop

Now that you have executive support to make change management part
of your deployment, you can make key decisions with the Technical
Configuration and Project Management teams in your deployment
planning workshop.
A deployment planning workshop is a session where you make decisions
that will determine the tasks and activities that make up your project
plan. Decisions like:

Who will be migrated in each phase?

What mail will we migrate?

Who will train our users?

This workshop usually takes about one day and is conducted with your
Google for Work Partner, if you’re using one. The result of the workshop is
that you’ll have a statement of work, budget overview, and project plan.

Work streams and topics for a typical workshop

Project Management:
Deployment scope
Project governance

Technical Configuration:
Authentication and system access
Mail routing
Data migration
Application integration
Google Apps Vault

Change Management:

“The technology is going to work—we

know this from the 4 million businesses

already on Google Apps.
What differentiates a successful project

from an unsuccessful one is the human

side of change. This is why we place so

much emphasis on change


—Dave Lyon, Director of Change

Management, Onix Networking

Onix Networking is a Google Apps Enterprise

Partner based in the United States.

Suggested deployment planning

workshop attendees:

• Overall Google Apps project lead
• Executive sponsor or delegate
• Technical project lead
• IT messaging lead (e.g., Microsoft

Exchange or IBM Lotus Domino


• Mobile lead
• Networking lead
• Security representative
• Support representative
• Change management lead
• Training lead (change management

portion only)

• Communications lead (change

management portion only)

(Note that in many cases the same

person fulfills more than one role.)