Finalize training materials | best practices – Google Apps for Work User Manual
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Change Management Guide
Phase 3: Global Go-Live
Finalize training materials | Best practices
Tips on organizing your training materials:
Use different formats in training materials to appeal to different
learning styles. Some of your users might love watching videos to
learn about Google Apps. Other users might prefer printing out a
document they can read at their desk while exploring their Google
Apps account.
Answer the common questions in your training materials. Your
experience during the Core IT and Early Adopter phases made you
aware of the most frequent questions asked by your community. For
example, you found that people wanted first to understand how to
log into Gmail. Add the new login instructions to the top of your
training materials so you don’t answer the same question repeatedly.
Give people simple steps to learn. You’ve probably created many
training resources, but where should people start? Having a step-by-
step guide to getting started and a quick reference for help will go far.
Promote support resources in all of your training materials.
Make sure your users know where to go for help after training.
Remind users about resources such as the Google Apps user learning
center, a Google Guide, and your IT help desk.
Keep your training materials current
Learning from Solarmora, a fictionalized company
At the beginning of the Early Adopter phase, the
Change Management team built a list of the top
FAQs for Google Guides training packet. How do I
access my mail? What will happen with my old mail?
Can I set up my email on my phone? How do I sort
my mail?
Oops! Andy forgot to update his training materials
with the latest Google Apps features. After
attending Google Guides training, one of the guides
noticed incorrect information about read receipts
in the company’s user learning center site and
training materials. During the company’s
deployment, Google had released a new read
receipts feature and no one had updated the
training materials.
Andy’s team updated the training materials and
assigned staff to review the latest features posted
RSS feed.
“Cloud Sherpas provided train-the-
trainer services and webinar training
for our remote offices. This was critical
for us because some users had never
used web-based email, so transitioning
them to a new way of working took
extra time but was critical for our
—Mark Steward, IT Director,
Baird & Warner
Baird & Warner is a real estate company