The google apps rollout – Google Apps for Work User Manual
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Change Management Matters
The Google Apps Rollout
For a company of 250 or more employees, a standard Google Apps
transition is divided into three phases:
Phase 1: Core IT
Phase 2: Early Adopters
Phase 3: Global Go-Live
Each phase generally lasts about four weeks, although this varies with
the size of your company and the specifics of your legacy system. The
transition is usually complete within 90 days.
During each of the three phases, you progressively configure more
Google Apps features, migrate more data from your legacy system, and
move more of your users to Google Apps.
The Project Management, Technical Configuration, and Change
Management teams have roles in each phase and need to keep in sync.
In each phase, you’ll use the model of Get Ready, Communicate, Train
to organize your change management activities and tasks, and help each
group of users switch to Google Apps.
Before starting the rollout, you’ll identify your Change Management team
members, and begin to plan your strategy and resources, including
whether you choose to use a Google for Work partner.
You’ll coordinate closely with the Project Management and Technical
Configuration teams during this planning period.
Phase 1: Core IT
In this phase, members of your IT team start using Google Apps. This
gives your IT team the opportunity to familiarize themselves with Google
Apps and plan the next two phases. Your IT team begins receiving their
mail in Google Apps, but no migration of legacy data occurs.
“Moving to Google Apps was key to
reducing the overall cost of ownership
and cost of administration to the
hotels, but we believe that the true
benefits will come from the creative
ways our employees use these tools
to work together and provide an even
better experience for our guests in the
coming years.”
Jeremy Ward, Senior Vice
President for IT, Kempinski Hotels
Kempinski Hotels is an international hotel