Profile your user community – Google Apps for Work User Manual

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Phase 1: Core IT


Profile your user community

Time frame: Weeks 1–2

What and why: You know the users who frequently pop up on your
radar: The ones who reach their email quota every month, need to
install the latest software, or call for help accessing email whenever
they travel. Now you’ll need to know some additional things about
your user community as you move them to Google Apps.
You’ll profile your user community to:

Target user groups that might need extra help making the
switch to Google Apps.
For example, the highly influential
administrative assistants who depend on their calendars for
their most critical job tasks make up one such group. Others
might include executives, key sales managers who rely on their
mobile devices, and the few folks who may be more resistant to
this change.

Tailor your change management approach to your company’s
Think through different channels you might use for
communications or training for specific user groups. Sales
department users always on the go? If so, classroom training
might not be the best option for them. Instead, you might try

Understand any local needs and incorporate time into your
plans where translation is needed.
It’s a good idea to deal with
language requirements early on, and in a pragmatic way. If your
organization already has a translation policy—stick with it. You’re
not reinventing the whole company.

Understand any accessibility needs. Reach out to users who
have accessibility needs as soon as possible; they are likely to
have special software and hardware configurations that will need
to be addressed.

The result: After this step, you’ll have a summary and a detailed list
of the user groups that make up your organization. You’ll have their
locations, language needs, and suggested change management

“You can’t implement a new

system without bringing the users

on the journey!”

—Willie Chiu, Collaboration

Services Lead, White Stratus

White Stratus is a Google Apps Enterprise

Partner based in the United States.