What do you leave with – Google Apps for Work User Manual

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Change Management Guide


Phase 1: Core IT

What do you leave with?

As you complete the Core IT phase you should have:

A summary of your user community including a detailed list of the
user groups that make up your organization

A list of key company-wide impacts resulting from the move to
Google Apps

A list of the people who will create a peer-to-peer network of support
for your user community or Google Guides program

An internal marketing plan that includes:
Elevator pitch
Creative concept 
Marketing channels
Overall timeline of activities

A communications plan identifying each message or event needed for
your Google Apps deployment

A user community that has been informed about the company’s
switch to Google Apps

Core IT users who have been informed about the deployment and
key migration activities, and are trained on Google Apps

A training site, training resources, and complete training curriculum