Complete training materials for users – Google Apps for Work User Manual

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Change Management Guide


Phase 2: Early Adopter

Complete training materials for users

Time frame: Week 7

What and why: The Early Adopter phase is the first real test of your
training plan. You’ll expand the content you created in the Core IT
phase—your intranet sites, presentations, and training.
With the Early Adopter phase, the audience now includes business
users, and you typically need to pay special attention to your
executives, executive assistants, and your helpdesk or support staff.
Make sure your materials are polished so you can get solid, accurate
feedback on them.

The result: You have a set of resources to help business users get up
to speed and a training schedule to share with your project team and
the Early Adopters.

The Google Apps user learning center has ready-to-use training materials.

“You need to discover the roles in the

organization that are critical to train.

We have found that the administrative

assistants are the number one group.”

—Jim McNelis, Principal and

Founder, Dito

Dito is a Google Apps Enterprise Partner

based in the United States.