Get ready, communicate, train – Google Apps for Work User Manual

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Change Management Matters


Get Ready, Communicate, Train!

You’ll find many models for change management, ongoing scientific
studies, and approaches to organizational changes.
This guide uses Get Ready, Communicate, Train. It’s a simple model to
execute your Google Apps change management strategy—a way to break
down each phase of your effort and help assign key tasks.

Get ready: Includes tasks to understand your organization’s culture
and people, and the support they’ll need to make a successful
transition to Google Apps. Typical readiness tasks include profiling
your user community, sending a user readiness survey, and
establishing a Google Guides program.

Communicate: Includes tasks to get your users excited about the
switch to Google Apps. Typical communications tasks include creating
a communications plan, launching an internal marketing campaign
for the switch to Google Apps, and sending messages to users.

Train: Includes tasks to educate users about Google Apps. Typical
training tasks include creating a training plan, launching a training
site, and conducting courses.

We’ve divided this guide into a number of steps and readiness,
communications, or training activities.
But remember, you don’t have to take all of these steps. Some may be
relevant to the culture and size of your organization, others won’t.

Don’t panic, help is on the way!

You don’t have to do this by yourself. In fact, you shouldn’t do this
by yourself. Our most successful customers work across their
organizations with teams like Marketing and Human Resources to
lead the change to Google Apps. Later in this guide, we’ll provide tips
on how to build your team.

Consider using a Google for Work Partner to help you. Many
customers have accelerated their rollouts or given them added punch
by taking on a Google for Work Partner. These firms specialize in
Google Apps deployment services—for constructing and managing
the best launch for your company. Like this guide, Google for Work
Partners are a flexible, use-what-you-need resource. You can engage
them for your entire rollout or for just for part of it. Learn more

Google for Work Partners in the Google Apps Marketplace


We give you plenty of tools, training resources, templates, and
At the end of this guide is a gallery of artwork from
companies that have gone Google, and a list of resources and sites.
You can use them out of the box, or customize them. For all the latest
resources and templates, visit

Setup & deployment on the Google

Apps Documentation & Support site


“Overall, our employees have been

extremely happy with the move to

Google Apps. IT is relieved to finally

have true redundancy, painless

scalability and better control, all while

no longer needing to maintain remote

servers and tape backups.
Management is pleased with the cost

savings and vastly improved service


Kyle Swafford, Director of IT

Services, Bergelectric

Bergelectric is an electrical contracting

services company based in the United

States. It has 1,700 Google Apps users.