Assess team change impacts – Google Apps for Work User Manual

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Phase 2: Early Adopter


Assess team change impacts

“Google Apps has helped us to better

communicate as a team and better

communicate with our customers at

a price that fits our family business.”

—Jeff Jones, Vice President, Admiral

Pest Control

Admiral Pest Control is a professional

services company based in the United

States. It has 50 Google Apps users.

Get specific, find opportunities

Learning from Solarmora, a fictionalized company

Andy knew that many departments used email for

processes that the IT department didn’t know

about. he hoped the Early Adopters would help his

team discover any key changes to the applications,

or processes.
Comments from the Early Adopters started to

trickle into the IT department—but mostly

questions or comments on specific features. Where

was input about how departments might be

affected by the transition?
Oops! Andy didn’t have a good way to get feedback

from Early Adopters on change impacts.
Andy realized he needed to be specific on his

requests for help.
The Change Management team put together a

Google Form with targeted questions:
• What applications that your team uses are linked to

email or calendar?

• Which of your team’s business processes are highly

dependent on email or calendar?

• What team policies are related to email or calendar?
• Are there team processes you think could be

improved by using Google Apps?

One key finding from the survey: a shared mailbox

used by the CFO’s assistant and Legal group to

manage the public’s questions about the company’s

annual reports. Andy updated his plans to set up

this mailbox as a Google Group, and included

training on Google Groups.
An opportunity from the survey: a Google Guide

from Finance suggested that a shared calendar

could capture the team activities for quarter-end

close. After some quick tests, the Google Guides

found that the shared calendar helped with

collaboration, and they pitched this as an example

to other groups.

Time frame: Weeks 7–9

What and why: You started tracking changes resulting from the
switch to Google Apps, now keep it up.
The Early Adopters phase puts your first business users on Google
Apps. You’ll learn about the specific business processes—automated
email responses for sales leads or invoicing, for example—or
department procedures that may be affected.
Example of areas to survey your Early Adopters to help identify
change impacts:

Applications linked to email

Business processes and policies that depend on email

New uses of Google Apps to improve productivity or

The result You’ve built a list of key change impacts—both technical
and business/processes, and updated your communication and
training plans.