Red Lion IndustrialPr 6000 Router User Manual
Page 134
Software User Guide
Automation Tab
associated to a class (Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3), otherwise it should be associated to None. By default all DNP Points
don’t generate events, this feature should be modified by the user.
Default Object 32 ‐ Analog Change Event: This field is activated on both Levels 2 and 2+. It’s used to determine if a
DNP point will generate events. In case a DNP point generates events (Object2 Binary Change Events) then it should be
associated to a class (Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3), otherwise it should be associated to None. By default all DNP Points
don’t generate events, this feature should be modified by the user.
Default Object 33 ‐ Frozen Change Event: This field is activated on both Levels 2 and 2+. It’s used to determine if a
DNP point will generate events. In case a DNP point generates events (Object2 Binary Change Events) then it should be
associated to a class (Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3), otherwise it should be associated to None. By default all DNP Points
don’t generate events, this feature should be modified by the user.
Exception DeadBand and Class Assignments Table: The Exception table provides the ability to define Reg/Index
ranges that are needed to be configured differently than Default DeadBand and Class Assignments.
Example: If the Highest Register Address is set to 10 and Reg/Index 2, 4 6‐7 are needed to be set for different DeadBand and
Class Assignments than Default, then the final result for all 10 registers would be as follows:
Reg/Index 0‐1, 3, 5 and 8‐10 will be set to Default DeadBand and Class Assignments.
Reg/Index 2, 4 and 6‐7 will be set to Exception DeadBand and Class Assignments.
Note: The Starting Reg/Index and Ending Reg/Index of Exception table entries for a single Reg/Index such as Reg/Index 2 and
4 in above example has to be the same address.
Click the Add button and the following dialog window will appear:
Starting Reg/Index (Required): Enter the Starting Register for exception class assignments. The valid ranges are 0 to
your configured highest register, and must be less than or equal to Ending Register.
Ending Reg/Index (Required): Enter the Ending Register for exception class assignments. The valid ranges are 0 to
your configured highest register, and must be greater than or equal to Starting Registers.
Enter DeadBand Value (Required): Values outside this deadband generate events. The deadband parameter sets how
event data is generated by your modules as a DNP slave device.
For example: The Analog Input deadband being set to a value of 1000 will report all of the points as being class 3 data (as set
by the “Analog Input class” parameter being set to 3) and it will generate an event every time an analog input changes by a