My airport signal seems to be very week – Apple iMac G5, 20-inch User Manual

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iMac G5, 20-inch Troubleshooting - 51

Symptom Charts

My AirPort signal seems to be very week


Check your antenna. If the AirPort antenna is not plugged in all the way, you may have

very short AirPort range.


Remove the back cover. Reconnect the antenna cable to the AirPort card. Press the

antenna connector firmly, to make sure it's fully connected to the iMac. Replace the

cover and reconnect the power cord.


Try connecting to your wireless access point now. Did your reception improve?

Yes: It looks like the AirPort antenna had not been plugged in all the way. You should

be ready to go wireless now.

No: It continues like your antenna is plugged in properly and your AirPort card is

recognized. However, there are a number of other things that could cause issues with

wireless networking. Refer to Knowledge Base document 106858 for more

networking information.


Replace the AirPort card.


Replace the logic board.