Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 Recon and Nomad User Manual User Manual

Page 37

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Getting Started


The Smart Target Name you provide will be shown in the drop-down

list when you switch between Smart Targets.

The Target Type field determines how the EDM will be
configured on the total station when taking shots to the
Smart Target. It can be Prism when using a standard
prism, Reflectorless to perform distance measurements
without a prism, Long Range Prism, which increases the
output power of the EDM for shooting prisms at long
distances, or On Gun, which uses the EDM settings
configured on the total station (Not all target types are

supported by all total stations.)

Note: If using a Trimble S6/VX, there are special smart

target settings available, which are described under
Smart Targets in the Reference Manual.

The HR field will be the default rod height whenever this Smart
Target is selected. Updating the HR from any screen that has an

editable HR field while a Smart Target is selected will also save that

new value here, making it the new default HR for the current Smart

If the Add Offset to HR is checked, the offset entered in the
corresponding field will then be added to the rod height you provide.

(A negative value would subtract the offset from the HR.) This is
useful for people who use a device that always elevates their rod by a

fixed distance, but still want to use the rod height measurement

displayed on the rod for simplicity.

For example, if you were in the Backsight Setup screen and selected a

foresight Smart Target with a default HR of 5 feet and an HR offset
value of 1 foot, you would see 5.00 ift displayed in the foresight HR
field of the Backsight Setup screen, as well as every other editable
foresight HR field, but you would see 5.0+1.0 ift in every output-only
HR field showing the HR entered plus the offset. (The raw data file

will also clearly note when a rod height offset is being applied.)

The Prism Constant field should contain the prism constant for the
prism associated with this Smart Target as long as a prism constant

is not also set in the total station. If a prism constant is set in Survey