Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 Recon and Nomad User Manual User Manual
Page 257

GPS Coordinates
coordinates to your mapping plane coordinates. Therefore, a
localization is not required in this case.
• If your job already contains geodetic coordinates which were
measured from an autonomous setup, and you are continuing the
survey using coordinates from the network GPS, you will need to
re-solve the localization to get results in the proper local system.
This is the case for both Ground – TDS Localization and Mapping
horizontal projection mode.
• If your job already contains geodetic coordinates which were
measured from an initial accurate base setup, then you can
continue to survey using the network GPS coordinates. This is
only the case when the initial accurate base setup and the
network GPS coordinates are in a consistent coordinate system.
The network GPS server operator should be able to tell you what
coordinate system and datum the network coordinates are
surveyed in.
Note: The guidelines above assume that all of the receivers in the
network GPS have coordinates that are accurate with respect to each
other. This is usually the case, especially for any networks that
support VRS or some other networked RTK service. However, it is
possible that the base stations in a network have not been accurately
tied to each other. In this case, the geodetic coordinates from one base
may not match the geodetic coordinates from another base. The
network GPS server operator should be able to specify the accuracy of
the different stations with respect to each other.