Grid factor with sea level, Automatic map plane with sea level – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 Recon and Nomad User Manual User Manual

Page 135

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Mapping Plane Scale Factor


Grid Factor with Sea Level

You should select Use a grid factor with sea level

correction option when you have a single grid factor and
you want an elevation factor calculated for each total

station shot. The grid factor you enter is combined with
the elevation factor for each shot to yield the combined

factor for that shot.

The grid factor may be provided or you can calculate it

using the Calculate Scale wizard. This process is similar
to the Use a single combined scale factor option (Page
123), except you are not prompted for an ellipsoid height

since the elevation portion of the scale factor is done for
each shot as sea level reduction.

Automatic Map Plane with Sea Level

You should select Use automatic map plane grid factor
with sea level correction option when you want the grid

factor computed for each occupy setup point and a sea
level correction computed for each shot.
To configure a map zone, tap the bottom button to open
the Select Coordinate System screen. This button is
labeled Change Map Zone if a map zone is already
configured or Set Map Zone if a map zone is not yet
configured. Configuring a map zone is described in the

Mapping Plane Select Zone section of this manual,
starting on Page 251.

Map Plane Ground Coordinates

If you do want to use map plane ground coordinates,
mark the Use map plane ground coordinates checkbox and
tap the Setup Map Ground Coordinates button to set up

your ground coordinates.
If a map projection zone is not already selected, you will first be

required to select one. Once selected, the Mapping Plane Ground
Setup wizard will open.