Scale factor settings, No scale factor – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 Recon and Nomad User Manual User Manual
Page 132
User’s Manual – Conventional Mode
The mapping plane scale factor should not be confused with the
Adjust for Earth Curvature/Refraction setting located on the Job >
Settings > Surveying screen, which is independent of the mapping
plane scale factor. If the earth curvature adjustment is enabled, it is
applied to all total station measurements before any mapping plane
scale factor is applied.
Scale Factor Settings
There are three modes of calculations with scale factor:
1. No scale factor.
2. Combined scale factor: Horizontal distance is scaled by the
single scale factor entered by the user.
3. Grid Factor Plus Sea Level: Horizontal distance is scaled by
the grid factor then scaled by sea level reduction.
The first screen when setting up a scale factor is the Scale Settings
screen. This is where you select how you want to compute and apply
the scale factor. Each of the available choices is described below.
No Scale Factor
You should select Do not use scale factor option when you
want to disable any ground to grid scaling or if your job
is configured to use Ground – TDS Localization. You
must tap from this screen and from the screen that
follows (Job > Settings > Surveying) to save the changes.