Set up rover – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 Recon and Nomad User Manual User Manual

Page 351

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Basic GPS Module


3. Fill in the screen and tap Next>. The base point name and

the precise geodetic coordinate of the base are noted in Survey

Pro. If you are doing post processing at the base, the station

name, description, and antenna height are then sent to the
file on the base receiver for post processing.

Set Up Rover

4. You are prompted to connect to the rover receiver

or will be automatically connected if using
Bluetooth. Once you connect to the rover, it will

begin to monitor the data link for the base

corrections. You are then prompted to enter the
rover antenna height to proceed with the setup.

If you want to do post processing data collection

with the rover receiver, select a recording
interval, otherwise leave this set to Off.

The button at the bottom right of the screen will
say Next > any time this is a remote rover setup,
or if you have set the base but the projection is

not fully set and solved for this survey. The
button will say Finish if you have set the base
and the projection is solved.

a. On Next >:

i. If the base was not set with this wizard, takes

you to Setup Remote Base screen (Page 343).

ii. If the base was set with this wizard, writes

the base and rover setup raw data, and takes

you to Solve Projection routine (Page 344).

b. On Finish: Writes the base and rover setup raw data,

sets the rover receiver and exits.