Yokogawa PC-Based MX100 User Manual

Page 494

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IM MX190-01E

Communication Process
First, make a connection. After making the connection, the functions become

available. As a termination procedure, disconnect the communication.

Communication Connection
openDARWIN(host, rc)
The IP address of the DARWIN is specified. The communication report specifies the

communication constant “DAQDARWIN report number.”
talkDataByBinaryDARWIN(comm, 0, 1, 0, 2, datetime)
Sends the retrieval request of the measured data of channels 1 and 2 of subunit

number 0 and retrieves the time information (declares the retrieval of the measured

Retrieval of the Measured Data
getChDataByBinaryDARWIN(comm, chinfo, datainfo, flag)
Gets the measured data channel by channel. It is repeated up to the specified

The end is determined by the flag status of “end data.”.

Comm. cut
Drops the connection.

9.2 Programming - DARWIN/Visual Basic -