Yokogawa PC-Based MX100 User Manual
Page 243
IM MX190-01E
comm = openMX("" &rc);
//get by FIFO
rc = startFIFOMX(comm);
rc = getFIFODataNoMX(comm, 0, &startNo, &endNo);
rc = talkFIFODataMX(comm, 0, startNo, endNo);
do { //date time
rc = getTimeDataMX(comm, &dataNo, &datetime, &usertime,
} while (! (flag & DAQMX_FLAG_ENDDATA));
do { //meaasured data
rc = getChDataMX(comm, &dataNo, &chinfo, &datainfo,
} while (! (flag & DAQMX_FLAG_ENDDATA));
rc = stopFIFOMX(comm);
rc = closeMX(comm);
#ifdef WIN32
return rc;
Data retrieval is possible by starting the FIFO. The range to be retrieved is specified
by the FIFO number and the data number. The time stamp corresponding to the
data number and the measured data are retrieved separately. The end is
determined by the flag.
Include File Statement
#include "DAQMX.h"
Load Library Statement
The load library statement is from #ifdef WIN32 to #endif //WIN32.A callback type
(such as DLLOPENMX) is used.
3.2 Program - MX100/Visual C -