Yokogawa PC-Based MX100 User Manual

Page 1110

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IM MX190-01E

DARWIN for Extended API - Visual C/Visual Basic/Visual Basic.NET/C# -



Sets the specified alarm (alarm level and alarm type) and alarm value to the
specified channel (specified by channel type and channel number).

• If the channel type is set to the constant for “Specify all measurement channel

types,”all subunits are processed.

• If the channel number is set to the constant for “Specify all channel numbers,”all

channels within the channel type are processed.

• If the alarm level is set to the constant for ìSpecify all alarm level numbers,”all

alarm levels within the channels are processed.

• With relay specification, when the relay number is less than or equal to 0, the

relay is not specified (turned OFF).

• Updates the stored channel information data after the setting.
• This function executes the SA command of the DARWIN communication function.

Return value

Returns an error number.

Not descriptor

No device descriptor.



24.1 Details of Functions - DARWIN (VC/VB/VB.NET/C#) - Status Transition Functions