Retrieval of the measured data – Yokogawa PC-Based MX100 User Manual

Page 1002

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IM MX190-01E

Retrieval of the Measured Data

Program Example

// DA100 sample for measurement
#include "DAQDA100.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int rc; //return code
CDAQDA100 daqda100; //class
int value;
rc ="");
rc = daqda100.measInstCh(0, 1);
value = ((daqda100.getClassDataBuffer(0, 1))


rc = daqda100.close();
return rc;


Retrieves instantaneous values of the measured data from channel 1 of DARWIN

subunit number 0 and stores them in the field. Reads the measured values and
concludes the process.

Communication Connection
rc ="");
The IP address of the DARWIN is specified. This statement specifies the

communication constant for the DARWIN communication port number.

Retrieval of the Measured Data of Channel 1
rc = daqda100.measInstCh(0, 1);
Retrieves instantaneous values of the measured data from channel 1 of DARWIN
subunit number 0 and stores them in the field.

Reading the Measured Value
value = ((daqda100.getClassDataBuffer(0, 1))-
Reads the measured values of channel 1 retrieved from various types of information

on channel 1 through the measured data.

19.3 Programming - DARWIN/Visual C++ -