Retrieval of the measured data – Yokogawa PC-Based MX100 User Manual
Page 1067
IM MX190-01E
DARWIN for Extended API - Visual Basic -
Retrieval of the Measured Data
Program Example
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Public Sub Main()
comm = openDA100Reader("", rc)
rc = measInstChDA100Reader(comm, 0, 1)
Value = dataValueDA100Reader(comm, 0, 1)
rc = closeDA100Reader(comm)
End Sub
Retrieves instantaneous values of the measured data from channel 1 of DARWIN
subunit number 0 and stores them in the field. Reads the measured values and
concludes the process.
Communication Connection
comm = openDA100Reader("", rc)
The IP address of the DARWIN is specified. This statement specifies the
communication constant for the port number for loading the instantaneous value
Retrieval of the Measured Data of Channel 1
rc = measInstChDA100Reader(comm, 0, 1)
Retrieves instantaneous values of the measured data from channel 1 of DARWIN
subunit number 0 and stores them in the field.
Reading Measured Values
Value = dataValueDA100Reader(comm, 0, 1)
Reads the measured value of channel 1 of subunit number 0 from the field where
the measured data is stored.
Comm. cut
rc = closeDA100Reader(comm)
Drops the connection.
21.4 Program for Loading Instantaneous Value Data - DARWIN/Visual Basic -