3 programming - darwin/visual c, Programming - darwin/visual c++ -7, Adding the path to the include file – Yokogawa PC-Based MX100 User Manual

Page 1001: Declaration in the source file, Library designation

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IM MX190-01E

DARWIN for Extended API - Visual C++


19.3 Programming - DARWIN/Visual C++ -

Adding the Path to the Include File

Add the path of the include file (DAQDA100.h) to the project. The method of adding
the include file varies depending on the environment used.

Declaration in the Source File

Write the declaration in the source file.

#include "DAQDA100.h"


The include file of the common section (DAQHandler.h, DARWIN.h) and that for
DARWIN (DAQDARWIN.h) is referenced from the include file described above. Thus,
declaration for it is not necessary.

Library Designation

Adds libraries (DAQDA100.lib, DAQDARWIN.lib, and DAQHandler.lib) to the project.
The method of adding the include file varies depending on the environment used.

This enables the use of all classes. It also enables the use of all Visual C functions.