Yokogawa PC-Based MX100 User Manual
Page 1237
IM MX190-01E
Measurement Interval
The measurement interval.
The unit is seconds.
The relay is represented by the relay type and relay number.
Relay Type
A value used to identify the relay position and type. See Channel/Relay types.
Either the main unit and subunit number of the expandable model, or internal switch.
Relay Number
Noncontinuous between relay types.
It is an integer value between 1 and 60.
If the relay type is a unit number, the number represents the relay position ID
number determined by the position where the module is connected. Consists of the
slot number and the terminal number. The number may not be consecutive
depending on the system configuration.
After a command is sent, a response is received from the measurement instrument.
Unless the data output request is made as a talker, any of the following is received.
• Processing was carried out normally.
• Processing was not carried out normally.
If processing is not carried out normally or execution fails, the function returns an
error number.
Consists of the left value, right value, and decimal point position. The value is in the
range from -30000 to 30000.
With the specification of this API, if the left and right values are the same, they are
considered omitted.
Consists of the left value and right value. The values vary depending on the type of
measurement range.
With the specification of this API, if the left and right values are the same, they are
considered omitted.
Appendix 2 DARWIN Terminology