E-Mon Energy Software User Manual
Page 98

E-Mon Energy User Manual
Meter Size
Panel Group
This is a drop-down field. Select the rated line voltage.
Sensor Size
This is a drop-down field. Select the rated sensor size.
Set of Sensors
This is a drop-down field. Select the number of sets of sensors in parallel. E-
Mon meters can have multiple sets of sensors installed in parallel monitoring
various circuits by a single meter. Thus, the totalize energy usage is captured.
Pulse Value
This field is populated based on the voltage measurement, sensor size, and sets
of sensors in parallel. If this is a third-party meter, type in the pulse value.
(Make sure to select Energy Type as Other).
Max Rated Load
This field is populated based on the voltage measurement, sensor size, and sets
of sensors in parallel.
Pulse Input Type
Select Pulse Input Type. E-Mon meters and most of the other inputs use
On/Off (50/50) for contact closure of 50% and open 50%. If your application
requires run-time, select run-hour; thus when the contact is closed, the recorder
will produce internal pulses of 5 pulses per second (5 Hz).
Load Control
Panel Group.
This panel is required if utilizing the Load Control feature.
Refer to “Others” tab for details on how to create Load Control parameters. If
you want this meter to inherit the load control setup from the location tab,
check the “Use Location Load Control.” This is a reserved feature.
Select a primary load control name. Then check the primary box to enable this
Select a secondary load control name. Then check the secondary box to enable
this feature.
Auto Billing Cycle
Panel Group.
If you check “Use Location,” the fields in this panel group will
be populated with data from the Location tab.
Billing Cycle
From this drop-down, you can select a Bill Cycle name that is created on the
Bill Cycle tab of the Database Access window. The Billing Cycle is required
for creating a billing statement.
Use Location
If you want this meter to use the same Billing Cycle name as specified in the
location tab, check “Use Location.”
Billing Schedule and
Panel Group.
If you want this meter to use the same billing rate structure as
specified in the location tab, Check “Use Location Schedule.” Otherwise,
check the “Enable for Billing” to activate this feature and specify the TOU
Schedule name and Rate Schedule name.
TOU Schedule
Select a TOU Schedule name that is created on the TOU tab of the Database
Access window. Refer to Rate Table and TOU Schedule sections for details.
Rate Schedule
Select a Rate name that is created on the “Rate” tab of the Database Access
window. Refer to Rate Table and TOU Schedule section for details.
Meter Specific
In the Name, Unit, Base, Rate, type in specific meter information you would
like to add, (e.g., square foot, usage allowed). This information will be passed
to the billing forms for bill calculations.
Use Location Schedule Check “Use Location Schedule.” The fields in this panel group will be
populated with data from the Location tab.
Reset Meter Readings
If you want the meter reading to reset to 0 after each billing cycle, check
“Reset Meter Readings.” Otherwise, the subsequent reading will be
accumulated, (i.e., “current read” and “previous read” will be non-zero).
Entering incorrect meter information will cause faulty readings.
* = Required field.