Where do i begin creating a bill statement – E-Mon Energy Software User Manual

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Billing and Reports

E-Mon Energy User Manual



Where Do I Begin Creating a Bill Statement?

The bill process begins with a combination of several functions, rates, TOU schedule, billing template and billing

cycle. These processes are all done from the Rates, Time-Of-Use (TOU) schedule, and Bill Cycle tabs on the

window. As you know, setting up the customer or tenant billing statements requires a utility rate structure,

time-of-use for the billing schedule, and template. For information on how to establish a rate structure and TOU

schedule, see the TOU and Rate Section within this manual.
The bill templates (forms) are spreadsheets used in the E-Mon Energy™ software to generate bills and summary

sheets. These templates are designed in Formula One 4.0 Workbook and can be edited to create an estimated bill to

fit your billing profile. E-Mon provides several standard templates that can be used as is or can be customized to fit

your customer’s needs.

Note: Each billing template can have any filename, but it must have a VTS extension.

The illustrations that follow are template examples of the Customer Summary and Meter Billing Statement.

Figure 18.1 - Customer Summary Template