E-Mon Energy Software User Manual

Page 42

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Connection Parameters

E-Mon Energy User Manual



Figure 5.7 - Direct Comport Connection Data Link


In the Description field type a description for your connection type (i.e. Serial Port A).


From the Serial Port drop-down, select the serial port; usually COM1 or COM2. COM3 is

usually for the internal modem. Consult your computer hardware configuration for the

specifics of your computer setup.

Figure 5. 8 Connection Serial Port


From the Baud Rate drop-down, select the correct Baud Rate for your hardware

configuration. This baud rate must be the same as the recorder (device) baud rate.

Figure 5.9 - Connection Baud Rate

Be sure to check your system, recorder and meter configurations for the correct baud rate.


In the Cmd Timeout field, type in the pre-set time period allowed for E-Mon Energy™ to

wait for a response to a command from the recorder. (Default setting is 3000 ms)

Figure 5.10 - Command Timeout

10 From the Cmd Retries drop-down, select the number of times you want E-Mon Energy to

retry sending the command to the recorder, should it not get a response after Cmd Timeout.
(Default setting is 2)

11 From the Dial Timeout drop-down, select the pre-set time allowed for E-Mon Energy to

wait for a connection before giving up and going to a Dial Retry. (This option is applicable
to modems only)

12 From the Dial Retries drop-down, select the pre-set time allowed for E-Mon Energy to

attempt to connect to the remote system. (This option is applicable to modems only)