Using this manual – E-Mon Energy Software User Manual
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E-Mon Energy User Manual
Using This Manual
This manual provides information you need to understand and use E-Mon Energy™. If you have never used E-Mon
Energy, read the entire manual to familiarize yourself with its concepts, operation, software and hardware. This guide
contains the following information:
Section 1
– contains an overview of E-Mon Energy and how to use this manual. It
also discusses notation conventions and calling Technical Support.
Section 2
System Configuration Overview
– provides Software and Hardware Configurations.
Briefly describes AMR System Configuration for Onsite and Offsite Monitoring.
Section 3
Software Installation and System Startup
– contains instructions for installing and
setting up E-Mon Energy. It also provides instructions for login and logout,
administrative and password.
Section 4
Windows Components and Navigation
– provides descriptions on E-Mon Energy GUI
buttons, menus, screen layouts and how to use them. It also provides screen shortcuts
and diagrams.
Section 5
Connection Parameters
– defines and tells how to set up, add and delete different data
links (Connections) for Groups and Locations.
Section 6
Automatic Meter Reading (AMR)
– defines how it works and tells how to create an
AMR schedule, task, and assign a server.
Section 7
Groups and Locations
– tells how to create a group, navigate down to the location
level, add /delete new locations and meters. It also explains how to get a location.
Section 8
Recorder –
describes how to set up recorder configurations. It also explains how to
initialize a recorder.
Section 9
Meter –
describes how to set up meter configurations.
Section 10
Virtual Meter –
defines and tells how to set up a virtual meter profile.
Section 11
Customer –
provides instructions on setting up a customer and assigning devices.
Section 12
Rate Table and TOU Schedule –
describes and tells how to enter different rates, and
set up a TOU schedule.
Section 13
Other Features –
tells how to create load control, recorder and security setup file.
Section 14
Access Location –
defines and illustrates the Function and Hardware to Access Groups,
along with connection control and panel action buttons.
Section 15
Errors and Flags –
provides data on how to identify potential error flags and clear
Section 16
Demand Profile Graph –
describes how to load the profile and generate a graph. It also
explains how to use the Demand Profile Graph features.
Section 17
Real-Time Graphs –
describes how to load a device, graph the device, and start the
load monitor. It also explains how to use the power graph and start the power monitor.
Section 18
Billing and Report –
describes the billing and report software process. It tells you how
to set up, create, open, and save an automatic and manual billing cycle and then
generate a bill. It also discusses creating, opening and saving a report.
Section 19
Troubleshooting –
contains information for resolving errors and issues.
Appendix A
Start Up Checklist and Forms –
provides a checklist and system configuration forms
that are required prior to system installation and startup.
Appendix B
Samples of Bills and Reports –
contains examples of bills and E-Mon Energy reports.
The Glossary list contains the word or abbreviation of the short forms used in this guide
with the definition.
The Index is a directory of terms and where they are used.