Section 18 - billing and reports, Billing and reports, What is the billing function – E-Mon Energy Software User Manual
Page 176: What is the reporting function

Section 18
Billing and Reports
E-Mon Energy User Manual
What Is the Billing Function?
The Billing function supports real-time consumption, flat rate billing, rate changes, tier rates, pre-defined tax rates
and miscellaneous billing charges. The billing function in E-Mon Energy ™ allows you to customize your bill
schedule by choosing from a variety of schedules and tiered billing cycle structures. There are two ways of setting
up the billing process, but several options for generating bills. The two ways to set up the billing in E-Mon Energy
are the Automatic Bill Cycle and the Manual Bill Cycle. With the Automatic Bill Cycle, a pre-set day/month and time
are established for selective Groups and Locations, and run automatically. With the Manual bill cycle, you can
generate a bill(s) by predefining a set of customers and meters that may require an individual billing statement.
Generating these bills requires attention to the profile data. The profile data must be present for the period that you
are generating the bill. If the profile data is not present for this period, consumption will show zero usage and
demand. In preparation you must create the Time-Of-Use (TOU) and Rate structure in the Database window. Also, it
is required that you assign these setups to the Group, Location, Meter, or Virtual Meter.
What Is the Reporting Function?
The Reporting function provides several different types of report, Recorder Report, Meter Report, AMR Calls
, IDR Gap Report, and Consumption Report. Accessing each of these reports and generating the results vary
within the E-Mon Energy software.
The following is a brief description of the reports that you can generate.
Recorder or Meter Report
– These reports are generated via the Access window on the status of the recorder and
meters. The user can generate the Recorder or Meter reports by selecting File from the main menu, and then clicking
on save or print Meter/Recorder report.
AMR Calls Report or IDR Gap Report
– These reports are generated through the Database window on the Report
Tab. Clicking on the Group in the Device Explorer generates the AMR Calls Report. The report spreadsheet will
populate with the Profile Start and End\Date\Time, Last Call, Last Initialize, and Total Initialize. The IDR Gap
Report is accessed the same way but populates the spreadsheet with the gaps of electricity consumption interval data.
Results show the Oldest to the Newest Gap, Total and Last Convert. Both reports can be saved or printed by
selecting File from the main menu and then clicking on Save or Print Selection.
Consumption Report
– This report can be accessed from the Bill/Generate Bill drop-down menu that opens the Get
dialog. From the dialog, the user can select the meter(s) and the billing period to generate the report.
Although this spreadsheet cannot be printed or saved, it can be edited by selecting Estimate Reading Entry. You can
generate a bill by clicking on the Generate Bill button. This report is mainly used for future reference, analysis,
hardware failure, or hardware and software history.
Note: All reports can be opened in Formula One, in VTS spreadsheet format, and in MS Excel.