Diagnostic telegram, Configuration and function of the modules english, Diag�nostic teleg�ram – Burkert Type 8645 User Manual

Page 37

background image

ConfiGuraTion anD funCTion of The moDules


8645 - 7

diag�nostic Teleg�ram

Status- Pdu block

byte No.



Byte 0 to 5

PROFIBUS standard diagnosis

Byte 6

09 hex

DP/V1 Status PDU Header

Byte 7

81 hex

DP/V1 Status PDU Type Status PDU

Byte 8

Subscriber number

DP/V1 Status PDU Slot

Byte 9

0 to 2

DP/V1 Status PDU Specifier

Byte 10

0 to 4

DP/V1 Status PDU User: Error type*

Byte 11

0 to 15

DP/V1 Status PDU User: Error number*

Byte 12

0 to FF hex

DP/V1 Status PDU User:
channel display short circuit bus header

Byte 1

0 to FF hex

DP/V1 Status PDU Header
channel display short circuit Inside / RIO

Byte 14

41 hex

DP/V1 Status PDU User: Software version

* see chapter

Configuration and Function of the Modules / Troubleshooting / LEDs FN/FS – Error Messa-

ges and Warnings

Slot (Subscriber No.)

If an error message is detected in the segment of an intermediate module or RIO expansion, the address of
the module in question is displayed in this byte. In order to be able to distinguish between the intermediate
modules (IM) that are assigned the addresses from 1 to n by the auto-addressing, and the RIO modules with a
variable address range from 0 to 50, the MSB is set for the RIO module.


Module + address

byte structure

byte value [hex]

RIO + Adr.


7-bit address RIO


ZM + Adr.


7-bit address ZM



0: no change

1: Error present

2: Error no longer present

Error type

0: No error



– parameter error (Set_Prm)



– configuration error (Chk_Cfg)

: Error in the bus header

4: Error in an inside or RIO module

Error number

0 to 15: depending on the error type
(see chapter

Configuration and Function of the Modules / Troubleshooting /

LEDs FN/FS – Error Messages and Warnings)