Rainbow Electronics MG260 User Manual

Page 184

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prior written agreement.

If = 1 (speaker), range is 1 Hz to 3999 Hz.
If = 2 (buzzer), range is

1 Hz to 3999 Hz.

: This parameter sets the tone gain. The default value is 9.
Range of values is 0 to 15.

Speaker (db)

Buzzer (db)

0 0


1 -0.5 -0.5
2 -1 -1
3 -1.5 -1.5
4 -2 -2
5 -3 -3
6 -6 -6
7 -9 -9
8 -12 -12
9 -15 -15

10 -18 -18
11 -24 -24
12 -30 -30
13 -36 -40
14 -42


15 -infinite


: This parameter sets tone duration (in unit of 100 ms).
Range of values is 0 to 50 (0 is default value, 1 -> 0,1 s., 50 -> 5 s.)
Remark : when = 0, the duration is infinite, and the tone should be stopped by

18.13 Play DTMF tone +WDTMF

Description :

This specific command allows a DTMF tone to be played on the current speaker. DTMF, gain and duration
can be specified.
Remark : This command is only used to play a DTMF tone. To send a DTMF over the GSM network, use
the +VTS command.

Syntax :

Command syntax: AT+WDTMF=[,,,]
Response syntax: OK or +CME ERROR:


Possible responses
