Panasonic WR-DA7 User Manual

Page 71

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C h a p t e r 3

D A 7 U s e r s ’ G u i d e



1 9


Quick Start

know you are there when the

PEAK/SIGNAL LED flashes (red) which

should be very rare. Another area where you can adjust for proper
input gain is the

[GAIN] soft knob in the [CHANNEL] window. This

control provides an additional level of control for the selected
channel. Cursor to the soft knob, and rotate the

JogDial to boost the

audio level when additional gain is needed. The

[GAIN] soft knob

range is -24dB to +12dB. Further Gain changes should be controlled
by the fader levels of the channel. See more information described on
page 5-3, Channel Window and page 6-3, Channel Strip.

● If you are not familiar with a digital metering system that uses dBFS

(decibels Full Scale), it may take you a little while to get used to the
meter characteristics of the DA7. What dBFS means is that 0dB is at
the top of the meter, and instead of showing a level above 0dB, it
shows OL (OverLoad). In digital metering you should never go above
the full scale 0dB level. Remember that the digital format is very
unforgiving of overmodulation. Too high a level will create noise or
even distortion to a recorded signal and you may not be able to
correct it.
These meters can either be VU or PPM with no peak hold, momentary
peak hold or infinity peak hold. Take a few minutes to try out all the
possible settings in order to aquatint yourself with this type of
metering before you use the DA7 on a project. If you are using the
optional meter bridge, you should be aware of the


button. When activated, this feature allows the meter bridge to reflect
the action of the

FADER LAYER buttons. If you flip a fader, the meter

will follow. If you wish to monitor manually, press the master fader
layer button on the meter bridge to select which layer you will
monitor. You should also be aware that you will not see the level of
2TR B displayed on the MONITOR A section of the meter bridge
(extreme right hand side). This is because these meters can only
measure a digital signal, and

2TR B is an analog signal.

See page 5-3, Channel Window, page 6-3, Channel Strip, and page

METER BRIDGE, for more information.

● For functions other than AUTOMATION, you must execute UNDO

immediately after performing the memory-related action that you
want undone. After you change to another register or change to
another window display, you cannot execute the

UNDO function.


AUTOMATION operations, UNDO can be executed at any time

for the current event only.

UNDO cannot be performed if either the


(clear buffer) or the


buttons in the

[AUTOMATION>SETUP] window have been executed. See page 14-

AUTOMATION, SETUP Window, for more information.