Motorola MVME172 User Manual

Page 117

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LCSR Programming Model



Write posting is enabled for the segment by setting the write post enable
bit in the address modifier register. D16 transfers are forced by setting the
D16 bit in the address modifier register. A segment is enabled by setting
the enable bit. Segments should not be programmed to overlap.

The first I/O map decoder maps the local bus address range $FFFF0000 to
$FFFFFFFF to the A16 (short I/O) map of the VMEbus. This segment may
be enabled using the enable bit. Write posting may be enabled for this
segment using the write post enable bit. The transfer size may be D16 or
D32 as defined by the D16 bit in the control register.

The second I/O map decoder provides support for the other I/O map of the
VMEbus. This decoder maps the local bus address range $F0000000 to
$F0FFFFFF to the A24 map of the VMEbus and the address range
$F1000000 to $FF7FFFFF to the A32 map of the VMEbus. The transfer
size is always D16. This segment may be enabled using the enable bit.
Write posting may be enabled using the write post enable bit.

The local bus map decoders should not be programmed such that more
than one map decoder responds to the same local bus address or a map
decoder conflicts with on board resources. However, the map decoders
may be programmed to allow a VMEbus address to be accessed from more
than one local bus address.

Local Bus Slave (VMEbus Master) Ending Address Register 1

This register is the ending address register for the first local bus to
VMEbus map decoder.


$FFF40014 (16 bits of 32)



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Ending Address Register 1




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