NewTek TriCaster TC1 (2 RU) User Manual
Page 291

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“load MyComp”; “select MyComp”; “myComp” –
loads the named main Switcher
3”; “load Comp 3”; “select comp 3”; “go to comp 3”
"m/e 1 comp 2"; "me1 comp 2"; "select comp 2"; "load main comp 2"; "go to myMEname
myCompName"; (etc.)
loads the designated
into the main
(default) or named
“myComp medium”; ““myComp normal”; “myComp 1.0”; “go to myComp slow”; (etc.)
loads a Comp
using the designated speed.
“play lion”; “play lion on main”; “="take lion on me1"; "cut to lion on m/e 1"; (
locates, loads and
plays a clip named “lion”
on the main Switcher (default) or named M/E; performs an auto or take
when playback ends. The scrolling of the script pauses until playback is complete.
“circle(h) lion” works as above but uses
a Circle wipe to display and remove the clip.
“play lion ddr2” forces the operati
on to use DDR 2 (rather than selecting a default DDR)
“add lion to ddr 2; “load lion ddr 2” –
adds the clip without displaying it
play lion at 9 db";
“play lion voic
over”; play lion vo”
the script continues to scroll during playback
"play lion at 5 db
"play lion 5db"
; "lion 5 db”
“DDR 1 stop”
"DDR 1 Next"; "DDR 1 Previous"
“Toggle DSK 1”
“toggle DSK 1 slow”
auto on dsk 2
slow”; “
auto on M/E 2 key 2
slow”; “
Fade M/E 2 keyer 1 slow
"fast auto off dsk3"
“Set main dsk 1 as input 1”
“Set input 1 on main dsk 1”
set DSK 1 to GFX 1"
; “
set M/E 1 Keyer 1 to
GFX 1"; "assign GFX 1 to Me2 key 2"; (etc.)
“Play lion
in dsk2
”; “Play lion
on dsk2
”; “
Show lion in dsk2
plays a clip named lion in DSK2, fading
on and holding the last frame.
Play lion on key 2 in M/E 1
with slow circle(h)”
as above but uses a slow Circle wipe in M/E 1.
Show lion on dsk 3 with fast auto"
; “Show
lion on dsk 3 with take"
“set main DSK 3 transition to circle(h)”;
set circle(h) Me2 key 1"; "change transition on me4 for key
2 to circle(h)"; (etc.)
See also dedicated PiP (Picture in Picture) commands)
“Add globe to buffer 6”; “buffer 6 load globe” –
loads the Globe
Frame Buffer Animation
effect to the
target buffer
“Add Hexagon lower third to buffer 6”
loads the named static title page into the target buffer
buffer 3 load
Hexagon Broadcast”
- loads the named LiveGraphic into the target buffer
“Buffer 1 set speed