Bypass operations by n2, Observing the bypass operation, Controlling the bypass – Yaskawa AC Drive P1000 Bypass Technical Manual User Manual
Page 361: G.4 bypass operations by n2
G.4 Bypass Operations by N2
The drive operations that can be performed by N2 communication depend on drive parameter settings. This section explains
the functions that can be used and related parameter settings.
Observing the Bypass Operation
A controller can perform the following actions with N2 communications at any time regardless of parameter settings (except
for Z3-oo parameters):
• Observe drive status and drive control terminal status from a controller
• Read and write parameters
• Set and reset faults
• Set multi-function inputs.
Input settings from the input terminals So and from N2 communications are both linked by a logical OR operation.
Controlling the Bypass
Select an external reference and adjust the parameters in
accordingly to start and stop the drive or set the frequency
reference using BACnet communications.
Table G.1 Setting Parameters for Drive Control from BACnet
Reference Source
Required Setting
External Reference 1
Frequency Reference Select
Run Command Select
Refer to Z1-07: Speed Reference Select on page 152
Refer to Z1-08: Run Command Select on page 153
external reference parameter selections.
Bypass Functions
Each of the following functions must be enabled during start-up:
Start and Stop the Bypass
Set the Run Forward Command (BO 1) to run the in the forward direction. Set the Run Reverse Command (BO 2) to run the
in the reverse direction. Run/Stop Monitor (BI 1) shows the current run status. Forward/Reverse Monitor (BI 2) shows the
current direction.
NOTICE: Damage to Equipment. Improper motor direction may damage equipment if parameter b1-04, Reverse Enable, is set to 0 (Enable).
Lock the Bypass Panel
This function is not supported in the P1000 Bypass.
Digital Inputs
Multi-Function Input S3 (BO 5) through Multi-Function Input S7 (BO 9) are physical digital inputs on the bypass. They can
be set either by external devices, such as limit or pressure switches, or by the network. Their function depends on how the
bypass has been programmed. The multi-function input status can be monitored through Multi-Function Input 3 Monitor (BI
15) through Multi-Function Input 7 Monitor (BI 19). The Multi-Function Input # Monitor state is the logical OR of the serial
command value (BO 5 through BO 9) and the state of the external connection.
The multi-function inputs can be set by both external devices or over the network. Use caution when connecting the multi-function inputs
to external devices to ensure correct system operation.
Digital Outputs
Multi-Function Output 7 (BI 10) through Multi-Function Output 9 (BI 12) are physical digital outputs on the bypass. Their
function depends on how the bypass is programmed.
Loop Gain
PI Proportional Gain (AO 4) and PI Integral Time (AO 5) are the gain and integral time parameters used by the P1000. The
P1000 PI loop is structured differently than the Metasys loop.
G.4 Bypass Operations by N2
YASKAWA SIEP YAIP1B 01A YASKAWA AC Drive – P1000 Bypass Technical Manual
Metasys N2 Network Protocol