Figure 5.48 – Yaskawa AC Drive P1000 Bypass Technical Manual User Manual

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Figure 5.48 Run Delay with Preset Speed Example: Preset Speed with Run Delay


Z1-16 to Z1-25: Bypass Energy Savings

Allows saving energy and reducing harmonics by automatically switching to Bypass while in Drive Mode.
Users can select one of two methods using parameter Z1-16, Energy Savings Mode, to switch into Energy Savings:
Frequency Only Setting Z1-16 to 1 enables Energy Savings based on frequency only. The P1000 Bypass will automatically

switch to Bypass when the following conditions are met for Z1-22, Energy Savings Mode Time:
• Drive frequency reference is within the value set to Z1-19, Energy Savings Mode Frequency Reference Deadband, of Z1-17,

Energy Savings Mode Frequency.

• Drive output frequency is within the value set to Z1-20: Energy Savings Mode Output Frequency Deadband of Z1-17, Energy

Savings Mode Frequency.

Frequency and Output Current Setting Z1-16 to 2 enables Energy Savings based on frequency and output current. The

P1000 Bypass will automatically switch to Bypass when the frequency only conditions are met and the drive output current

is within Z1-21, Energy Savings Mode Output Current Deadband, of Z1-18, Energy Savings Mode Output Current Level.
When the above conditions are met, the system:
1. Increases the drive frequency reference by the value set to Z1-23, Energy Savings Mode Frequency Reference Increase
2. Waits for the drive output frequency to match the frequency reference
3. Sets the drive to baseblock
4. Removes the effect of Z1-23 from the drive frequency reference
5. Delays per L2-03, Minimum Baseblock time
6. Opens drive output contactor K2
7. Delays per Z1-24, Contactor Open Delay Time
8. Closes Bypass contactor K3 and transfers to Bypass.
When the drive frequency reference falls out of Z1-19, Energy Savings Mode Frequency Reference Deadband, of Z1-17,

Energy Savings Mode Frequency, the system:
1. Transfers motor control back to the drive
2. Opens Bypass contactor K3 with the drive still baseblocked
3. Delays per the sum of Z1-24, Contactor Open Delay Time, and L2-03, Minimum Baseblock Time
4. Closes drive output contactor K2
5. Delays per Z1-25, Contact Close Delay Time
6. Releases the drive from baseblock

5.13 Z: Bypass Parameters

YASKAWA SIEP YAIP1B 01A YASKAWA AC Drive – P1000 Bypass Technical Manual


