Yaskawa iQpump1000 AC Drive Quick Start User Manual

Page 435

background image

Register No.



Alarm Contents 5
bit 0

SI-T3 Watchdog Error (E5)

bit 1

SI-T3 Station Address Setting Error (AEr)

bit 2

SI-T3 Comm. Cycle Setting Error (CyC)

bit 3

High Current Alarm (HCA)

bit 4

Cooling Fan Maintenance Time (LT-1)

bit 5

Soft Charge Bypass Relay Maintenance Time (LT-2)

bit 6


bit 7


bit 8

External Fault 1 (input terminal S1) (EF1)

bit 9

External Fault 2 (input terminal S2) (EF2)

bit A to F



Alarm Contents 6
bit 0

Output Voltage Detection Fault (VoF)

bit 1

IGBT Maintenance Time (90%) (TrPC)

bit 2

Capacitor Maintenance Time (LT-3)

bit 3

IGBT Maintenance Time (50%) (LT-4)

bit 4

Braking Transistor Overload Fault (boL)

bit 5

Low Flow (LOWFL)

bit 6

Accum Level (ACCUM)

bit 7

Motor Overheat (NTC Input) (oH5)

bit 8


bit 9

High Flow (HIFLO)

bit A

Low Suction (LOSUC)

bit B

Loss Of Prime (LOP)

bit C

Thermistor Disconnect (THo)

bit D

Underload Detection 6 (UL6)

bit E

Waiting for Run (wRUn)

bit F

AnalogFB Lost: Switched to Net


Alarm Contents 7
bit 0

NETSCAN Wait for Master

bit 1

Pump Cycling Pump Over Cycle

bit 2

Low Feedback Low FB Sensed

bit 3

High Feedback High FB Sensed

bit 4


bit 5

Freq. Ref < Pump Min P1-06

bit 6

Freq. Ref < Thrust (P4-12)

bit 7

Low City Pressure

bit 8

Anti-Jam Active

bit 9

Low Water Level (LOWWL)

bit A

AnalogWL/SP Lost: Switched to Net

bit B

Feedback Loss Wire Break

bit C

Net FlowMeter Lost

bit D

R-DNE-Sx : Remote Drv Dis

bit E

Low Suction Pressure

bit F

Low Water in Tank

C.9 MEMOBUS/Modbus Data Table

YASKAWA TOEP YAIP1W 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump1000 Quick Start Guide



MEMOBUS/Modbus Communications