Yaskawa iQpump1000 AC Drive Quick Start User Manual
Page 374

LCD Display
Low Feedback
Low FB Sel
0: Fault
1: Alarm
2: Digital Output
Selects drive response during the “Low Feedback” condition.
0: Fault
1: Alarm
2: Digital out only
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 2
(0C0A) High Feedback Level
High FB Level
Sets the upper detection level for the PID feedback.
Default: 155.0
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 6000.0
(0C0B) High Feedback Level
Fault Delay Time
High Lvl FLT Time
Sets the amount of delay time from when the high feedback is
detected until the drive faults on a “HFB High Feedback” fault.
This parameter is effective only when P1-13 is set
to 0 (Fault (and digital out)).
Default: 5 s
Min.: 0
Max.: 3600
High Feedback
High FB Sel
0: Fault
1: Alarm
2: Digital Output
Selects drive response during the “High Feedback” condition.
0: Fault
1: Alarm
2: Digital out only
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 2
(0C0D) Hysteresis Level
Hysteresis Level
Sets the hysteresis level used for low and high level feedback
Default: 0.0 PSI
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 100.0
(0C0E) Maximum Setpoint
Max Set Pnt Diff
Sets the level that the difference between the setpoint and the
feedback must exceed for the time set in P1-16 to trigger the
drive response set in P1-17.
If P1-17 is set to 1 (Fault and digital out), the will coast to stop.
This function is active when the drive is running during AUTO
Mode. When P1-01 is set to 3 (MEMOBUS network), the
function is active on the lead drive and will stop all drives
running on the network when The NMS fault occurs.
Setting this parameter to 0.0 disables the function.
Default: 0.0 PSI
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 6000.0
(0C0F) Not Maintaining
Setpoint Time
Not Maint SP Tm
Sets the delay time before a “Setpoint Not Met” condition
occurs. The pump protection criteria set in P1-15 must be met
before the timer will start.
Setting P1-15 to 0.0 disables this function.
Default: 60 s
Min.: 0
Max.: 3600
Not Maintaining
Setpoint Selection
Not Maint SP Sel
0: Fault
1: Alarm
2: Digital Output
Selects the drive response method during the “Not Maintaining
Setpoint” condition.
0: Fault
1: Alarm
2: Digital out only
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 2
Prime Loss Detection
Prime Loss Mthd
0: Current (A)
1: Power (kW)
2: Torque (%)
Determines the quantity used to determine loss of prime.
0: Current (A)
1: Power (kW)
2: Torque (%)
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 2
(0C12) Prime Loss Level
Prime Loss Level
Detects loss of prime in the pump when in Auto or Sleep Boost
When the measured quantity determined by P1-18 drops below
this level for the time set in P1-20 and the output frequency is
above the level set in P1–21, a “Loss of Prime” condition occurs.
The drive responds to the “Loss of Prime” condition depending
on the setting of P1-22, Loss of Prime Selection.
Default: 0.0 A
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 1000.0
(0C13) Loss of Prime Time
Prime Loss Time
Sets the delay time before a “Loss of Prime” condition occurs.
The pump protection criteria set in P1-18 and P1-19 must be met
before the timer will start.
Default: 20 s
Min.: 0
Max.: 600
Loss of Prime
Prime Loss Freq
Sets the frequency level above which the “Loss of Prime”
detection is enabled when set to a value other than 0.
When set to 0 (default), the frequency level is determined by the
smaller value between (Fmax - 1 Hz) and (d2-01 - 1 Hz).
Default: 0.0 Hz
Min.: 0.0
Max.: [E1-04]
(0C15) Loss of Prime Selection
Prime Loss Sel
0: Fault
1: Alarm
2: Digital Output
Sets the drive response method during the “Loss of Prime”
0: Fault
1: Alarm
2: Digital out only
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 2
Loss of Prime
Maximum Restart Time
after Fault
LOP Max Rstrt T
Sets the time in minutes that the drive will wait before
attempting another restart when the restart fails or is not
attempted due to a continuing fault condition.
Default: 0.2 min
Min.: 0.2
Max.: 6000.0
B.11 P: Pump Parameters
YASKAWA TOEP YAIP1W 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump1000 Quick Start Guide