Yaskawa iQpump1000 AC Drive Quick Start User Manual
Page 354

H2 Multi-Function Digital Output Settings
LCD Display
Secondary PI Feedback
PI2 Feedback Low
Closed: PI2 feedback level is too low.
Secondary PI Feedback
PI2 FeedbackHigh
Closed: The PI2 feedback level is too high.
Pump 2 Control
Pump 2 Control
Contactor control for a second pump.
The function is active in contactor multiplex mode only (P1-01 = 1).
Pump 3 Control
Pump 3 Control
Contactor control for a third pump.
The function is active in contactor multiplex mode only (P1-01 = 1) and when
P3-01 is set to a value greater than 1.
Pump 4 Control
Pump 4 Control
Contactor control for a fourth pump.
The function is active in contactor multiplex mode only (P1-01 = 1) and when
P3-01 is set to a value greater than 2.
Pump 5 Control
Pump 5 Control
Contactor control for a fifth pump.
The function is active in contactor multiplex mode only (P1-01 = 1) and when
P3-01 is set to a value greater than 3.
Pump 6 Control
Pump 6 Control
Contactor control for a sixth pump.
The function is active in contactor multiplex mode only (P1-01 = 1) and when
P3-01 is set to a value greater than 4.
Output I Limit
Output I Lim
Closed: Drive output speed is being limited due to the output current limit or the
single phase foldback regulator.
Lube Pump or Digital
Output Delay
Lube Pump or
DigitalOutput Delay
Closed: Refer to Lube Pump / Digital Output Delay parameters P4-30 and P4-31.
Display text is set by parameter P4-29.
Internal Fan On
Internal Fan On
Internal Fan On
Pump Fault
Pump Fault
Closed when any of the following faults are active:
• Low feedback
• High feedback
• Low water
• High water
• NMS-Setpoint not met
• POC-Pump over cycle
• THMS-Thermostat input
• External pump fault
Transducer Loss
Transducer Loss
Closed: The analog output associated with PID feedback has risen above 21 mA
or fallen below 3 mA or a Transducer Loss alarm or fault is active.
Setptoint Not Met
SetPoint Not Met
Closed: During an “NMS-Setpoint Not Met” condition.
Loss of Prime
Loss of Prime
Closed: During an “LOP-Loss of Prime” condition.
Volute Thermostat Fault Volute-TStat Flt
Closed: Volute-Thermostat digital input is active.
High Feedback
High Feedback
Closed: During a “High Feedback” condition as defined by P1-11 and P1-12 OR
Closed: During a “High FB/Water” fault OR
Closed: During a “High Feedback” alarm
Low Feedback
Low Feedback
Closed: During a “Low Feedback” condition as defined by P1-08 and P1-12 OR
Closed: During a “Low FB/Water” fault OR
Closed: During a “Low Feedback” alarm
Low Flow
Low Flow
Closed: During the “Low Flow Fault” condition OR
Closed: During a Low Flow condition set by P6-06 to P6-08, including a “Low
Flow” alarm
Accum Level
Accum Level
Closed: Accumulated level has exceeded the P6-11 to P6-14 settings OR
Closed: During the “Accum Level” fault
High Flow
High Flow
Closed: During the “High Flow Fault” condition OR
Closed: During a “High Flow” condition set by P6-17 and P6-18, including a “High
Flow” alarm
Low Water Level
Low Water Level
Closed: The water level has dropped below the Low Detection Level set in Q4-09
for longer than the Low Level Detection Delay Time set in Q4-09 or if there is a
LOWWL – Low Water Level Fault.
Low Suction
Low Suction
Closed: The suction pressure has dropped below the Low Suction Pressure
Detection Level set in Q5-09 for longer than the Low Suction Pressure Delay Time
set in Q5-10 or if there is a LOSUC – Low Suction Pressure Fault.
B.7 H Parameters: Multi-Function Terminals
YASKAWA TOEP YAIP1W 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump1000 Quick Start Guide