Yaskawa iQpump1000 AC Drive Quick Start User Manual

Page 181

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The motor can be run in HAND (LOCAL) Mode for maintenance purposes by pressing the HAND key while the drive

is stopped. The HAND key acts as a start button. Press the OFF button to stop the drive. Set P5-04 to 0 to disable

the HAND key. The default frequency reference is 0.0 Hz in HAND Mode. This can be changed in parameter P5-02.

The AUTO key has no effect with the default settings in the General Purpose Application Preset.

Related Parameters


Parameter Name

Setting Values


Initialize Parameters

Default: 0

Range: 0 to 5550; 6008 to 6011; 7770


Frequency Reference Selection 1

Default: 0

Range: 0 to 5


Run Command Selection 1

Default: 0

Range: 0 to 3


Stopping Method Selection

Default: 1

Range: 0 to 3


Acceleration Time 1

Default: 20.0 s

Min.: 0.0

Max.: 6000.0


Deceleration Time 1

Default: 20.0 s

Min.: 0.0

Max.: 6000.0


Maximum Output Frequency

Default: 60.0 Hz

Min.: 40.0

Max.: 400.0


Motor Rated Current


Min.: 10% of drive rated current

Max.: 200% of drive rated current


Number of Motor Poles

Default: 2

Min.: 2

Max.: 48


Number of Auto Restart Attempts

Default: 5

Min.: 0

Max.: 10


Fault Reset Interval Time

Default: 20.0 s

Min.: 10.0

Max.: 3600.0


Minimum Pump Speed

Default: 40.0 Hz

Min.: 0.0

Max.: [E1-04]


HAND Reference

Default: 40.0 Hz

Min.: 0

Max.: [E1-04]


HAND Key Function Selection

Default: 1

Range: 0, 1


Well Draw Down Control Application Preset

The Well draw down function allows the drive to deliver water at a constant pressure as long as ground water level remains

above a specified level. If the ground water level drops to this specified level the drive will switch from a constant pressure

regulator to a level regulator, which will continue to supply water at the recharge rate of the well. Water will continue to flow

at a reduced rate. Should the water level down hole continue to drop the drive will go to sleep and wait till the water level rises

again to the specified wake up level to start pumping again. Once the water level rises above that level it will switch back to

constant pressure mode.

Start Up Procedure

The following is a sample setup for the Well Draw Down function with 4 to 20 mA transducer feedback on both level (connected

to input A1) and constant pressure (connected to A2)


Select a Proper Depth Sensing Transducer. The proper transducer for depth sensing has been specifically designed

for depth sensing. This means the transducer element, electrical connections, and connecting cable are sealed for

submersion. Additionally the sensor will have a vent tube running the length of the electrical conductors to compensate

for changes in barometric air pressure, which ensures accurate feedback with changing weather patterns. Another

4.5 iQpump Presets and Functions

YASKAWA TOEP YAIP1W 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump1000 Quick Start Guide



Start-Up Programming & Operation