Yaskawa iQpump1000 AC Drive Quick Start User Manual

Page 268

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When P1-01 = 3, P6-01 > 0, and P9-40 = 3,

the flow meter function has not received a

valid flow rate from another drive that is

also running the flow meter function.

• Set P9-40 to 0 if the drive has an operational flow meter connected to an analog or pulse input terminal.
• If another drive on the MEMOBUS network has a flow meter connected to an analog or pulse input

terminal, confirm that drive is online with parameter settings P6-01 > 0 and P9-40 = 0.

HOA Keypad Display

Minor Fault Name

Main FdBk Lost

Using Backup FB

Main Feedback Device (H3-oo = B) lost.


Possible Solution

Wire-break on Analog Input Terminal

programmed for Back-up PI Feedback (H3-

oo = B)

Check the connection of the Main Feedback transducer.

Main PI Feedback Transducer is broken.

Replace Main PI Feedback Transducer.

HOA Keypad Display

Minor Fault Name


Waiting for Master

Drive is waiting for a message from the master.


Possible Solution

No message was received from the master

within the time set in P9-28.

• Increase the P9-26 setting to account for network latency.
• Verify that there is a drive on the network with parameter P1-01 set to 3 and P9-27 to 0.
• Check network connections and verify H5-01 and P9-25 settings for all drives on the network.

HOA Keypad Display

Minor Fault Name


Not Maintaining Setpoint
The setpoint cannot be maintained and P1-17 is set to 1.


Possible Solution

When the feedback deviates from the

setpoint at a level greater than P1-15, for a

time set in P1-16. This is effective only

when P1-17 is set to 1 (alarm).

• Check for a blocked impeller, over cycling, or broken pipe.
• Set the Not Maintaining Setpoint alarm characteristics in P1-16 and P1-17.
• Drive response to this condition is controlled by P1-17, Not Maintaining Setpoint Selection.

HOA Keypad Display

Minor Fault Name


Heatsink Overheat
The temperature of the heatsink exceeded the overheat pre-alarm level set to L8-02.


Possible Solution

Surrounding temperature is too high

• Check the surrounding temperature.
• Improve the air circulation within the enclosure panel.
• Install a fan or air conditioner to cool surrounding area.
• Remove anything near drive that may cause extra heat.

Internal cooling fan has stopped.

• Replace the cooling fan.
• After replacing the drive, set parameter o4-03 to 0 to reset the cooling fan operation time.

Airflow around the drive is restricted.

Provide proper installation space around the drive as indicated in the manual.

Refer to Installation

Orientation and Spacing on page 36

for details.

• Allow for the proper space and ensure that there is sufficient circulation around the control panel.
• Check for dust or other foreign materials clogging the cooling fan.
• Clear debris caught in the fan that restricts air circulation.

HOA Keypad Display

Minor Fault Name


Drive Overheat Warning
“Drive Overheat Warning” was input to a multi-function input terminal, S1 through S8 (H1-oo= B).


Possible Solution

An external device triggered an overheat

warning in the drive.

Search for the device that tripped the overheat warning. Remove the cause of the problem.

HOA Keypad Display

Minor Fault Name


Motor Overheat
The motor overheat signal entered to a multi-function analog input terminal exceeded the alarm level (H3-02,

H3-06 or H3-10 = E).


Possible Solutions

5.3 Alarm Detection


YASKAWA TOEP YAIP1W 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump1000 Quick Start Guide