Setpoint boost after lag pump de-staging, 5 iqpump presets and functions – Yaskawa iQpump1000 AC Drive Quick Start User Manual

Page 193

background image

R un

C omm an d

P re-C ha rge

D ua l speed – C om plete via tim er

“Pre-cha rge


M essage &

D igital Ou tpu t

(H 2-0x = A4)

Ou tpu t

F requen cy

P 4-03

Pre-cha rge T im e

P4-02 – Pre-cha rge F requen cy

P4-01 Pre-cha rge level = 0.0

P4-06 – Pre-cha rge F requen cy 2


Pre-cha rge T im e 2


disab led

Figure 4.17 Pre-Charge Dual Speed Complete via Timer

R un

C omm an d

P re-C ha rge

C om plete via PID F eedba ck (N orm al Acting PID)

“Pre-cha rge


M essage &

D igital Ou tpu t

(H 2-0x = A4)

Ou tpu t

F requen cy


Pre-cha rge T im e

P4-02 – Pre-cha rge F requen cy

P4-01 – Pre-cha rge Le vel

b5-01 PID Se lect = 1 (Enab led) AND b5-09 Ou tpu t Le vel Se l = 0 (N orm al C ha racter)


F eedba ck

Figure 4.18 Pre-Charge Complete via Normal PID Feedback


Setpoint Boost after Lag Pump De-Staging

When a lag pump is de-staged (turned off), there can be a sudden drop in pressure in the system due to the pump de-staging.

The Setpoint Boost function will dampen the shock load (pressure dip) to the system by temporarily raising the PI setpoint of

the drive controller during de-staging.
The function will raise the setpoint to the measured feedback value at the time of de-staging for the time set in P3-11. When

the P3-11 time expires, the setpoint will return to the Q1-01 value and the drive operates normally. The intention of the feature

is to get the drive to begin accelerating as soon as a pump is de-staged, thus limiting the shock to the system since the PI

controller would tell the drive to accelerate anyway in response the de-staged pump. It is not intended to regulate at the boosted

setpoint for a long period of time.
• The maximum PI setpoint is limited to the Q1-01 setpoint plus the P3-10 (Max Boost at De-Stage) setting.
• This feature cannot decrease the setpoint, therefore the function is disabled if b5-09 = 1 (inverse acting).
• If the iQpump controller calls for a lag pump to be staged during the P3-11 time, the staging will occur with the Setpoint

Boost function being immediately disabled.

• Setting either P3-10 or P3-11 to zero disables the Setpoint Boost function.
• The PI control loop is active during Setpoint Boost.
• The default setting for P3-10 is 0.0 PSI and P3-11 is 5.0 sec.
While the setpoint is being controlled by the Setpoint Boost after De-stage function, the drive will display the message "Setpoint

Boost Active (P3-11)."

Start Up Procedure


Set all other parameters required for the application such as PI control loop, sleep, motor, and I/O parameters.


to Vertical Turbine Controller (VTC) on page 188

for an example. However, this function can be used in conjunction

across a wide range of applications using a PI control process loop with multiple lag pumps that are staged and de-


4.5 iQpump Presets and Functions

YASKAWA TOEP YAIP1W 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump1000 Quick Start Guide



Start-Up Programming & Operation