B: application, B1: operation mode selection, B.2 b: application – Yaskawa iQpump1000 AC Drive Quick Start User Manual
Page 328

B.2 b: Application
Application parameters configure the source of the Run command, DC Injection Braking, Speed Search, timer functions, PID
control, the Dwell function, Energy Savings, and other application-related settings.
b1: Operation Mode Selection
LCD DIsplay
Frequency Reference
Selection 1
Ref Source 1
0: Operator
1: Analog Input
2: Serial Com
3: Option PCB
4: Pulse Input
5: Geothermal
0: HOA keypad
1: Analog input terminals
2: MEMOBUS/Modbus communications
3: Option PCB
4: Pulse input (terminal RP)
5: Geothermal Mode (Frequency reference dependent on
temperature input (H3-0o = 21)
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 5
Run Command
Selection 1
Run Source 1
0: Operator
1: Digital Inputs
2: Communication
3: Option PCB
0: HOA keypad
1: Digital input terminals
2: MEMOBUS/Modbus communications
3: Option PCB
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 3
Stopping Method
Stopping Method
0: Ramp to Stop
1: Coast to Stop
2: DCInj to Stop
3: Coast w/Timer
0: Ramp to stop
1: Coast to stop
2: DC Injection Braking to stop
3: Coast with timer
Default: 1
Range: 0 to 3
Reverse Operation
Reverse Oper
0: Reverse Enabled
1: Reverse Disabled
0: Reverse enabled
1: Reverse disabled
Default: 1
Range: 0, 1
Run Command
Retention when Source
is Changed
0: Require Cycle
1: Retain Run Cmd
Determines whether the run command is retained when the
Sequence Selection is changed
0: Require Cycle
1: Retain Run Command
Default: 0
Range: 0, 1
Run Command
Selection in
Programming Mode
RUN dur PRG Mode
0: Run
1: ModeRun
2: Prg only @ Stop
0: Run command is not accepted while in Programming Mode.
1: Run command is accepted while in Programming Mode.
2: Prohibit entering Programming Mode during run.
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 2
Run Delay at Stop
(Back Spin Timer)
Run Delay @ Stop
Sets the amount of time that the drive will disallow the
reapplication of the Run command after the Run command is
lost. b1-11 is active for all b1-03 settings.
If set to zero and b1-03 = 3 (Coast to Stop w/ Timer), a
combination of C1-02 and output frequency determine the
length of time. Otherwise, no run delay will be applied.
Default: 0.0 s
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 6000.0
Run Delay Memory
Run Dly Mem Sel
Determines whether the Run Delay Timer is saved to the
EEPROM during power loss.
0: Disabled
1: Only at Stop
2: Running & Stop
A JVOP-183 HOA Keypad must be plugged into
the drive for settings 1 and 2 to function. If the
keypad is removed, b1-12 will function as setting
0 (Disabled).
Default: 2
Range: 0 to 3
(01C3) Phase Order Selection
Rotation Sel
0: Standard
1: SwitchPhaseOrder
0: Standard
1: Switch phase order (reverses the direction of the motor)
Default: 0
Range: 0, 1
Frequency Reference
Selection 2
Ref Source 2
0: Operator
1: Analog Input
2: Serial Com
3: Option PCB
4: Pulse Input
Enabled when a multi-function digital input set for “External
Reference” (H1-oo = 2) closes.
0: Operator
1: Analog Input
2: Serial Communications
3: Option PCB
4: Pulse Input
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 4
B.2 b: Application
YASKAWA TOEP YAIP1W 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump1000 Quick Start Guide