Yaskawa iQpump1000 AC Drive Quick Start User Manual

Page 264

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HOA Keypad Display

Minor Fault Name


Internal Fan Error
Fan or magnetic contactor failure


Possible Solution

Internal cooling fan has malfunctioned

• Cycle power to the drive.
• Check for fan operation.
• Verify the cumulative operation time of the fan with monitor U4-03, and verify the cumulative operation

time of the fan maintenance timer with U4-04.

• If the cooling fan has exceeded its expected performance life or is damaged in any other way, follow the

replacement instructions in the

Peripheral Devices & Options


Fault detected in the internal cooling fan or

magnetic contactor to the power supply.

• Cycle power to the drive.
• If the fault continues to occur, replace the power board/gate drive board or the entire drive.
• Contact Yaskawa or a Yaskawa representative for instructions on replacing the power board/gate drive


HOA Keypad Display

Minor Fault Name

Feedback Loss Go To Freq. b5-13

PI Feedback Loss

The drive will run at the speed set in b5-13, Feedback Loss Goto Frequency.


Possible Solutions

PI feedback source is incorrectly installed

or is not working. Effective only when

b5-12 is set to 3 (Run at b5-13).

• Confirm that the PID feedback source is installed and working properly.
• Drive response to this condition is controlled by b5-12, Feedback Loss 4 to 20 mA Detection Selection,

and b5-13, Feedback Loss Go To Frequency.

HOA Keypad Display

Minor Fault Name

Feedback Loss Wire Break

PI Feedback Loss
The analog input programmed for PID feedback has gone above 21 mA or fallen below 3 mA.


Possible Solutions

PI feedback source is incorrectly installed

or is not working. This is effective only

when b5-12 Feedback Loss 4 to 20 mA

Detection Selection is set to 1 (alarm).

• Confirm that the PID feedback source is installed and working properly.
• Drive response to this condition is controlled by b5-12, Feedback Loss 4 to 20 mA Detection Selection,

and b5-13, Feedback Loss Go To Frequency.

• Auto-restart of this fault is controlled by L5-42, Feedback Loss Fault Retry Selection.

HOA Keypad Display

Minor Fault Name

Freq. Ref Pump Min (P1-06)

Minimum Pump Frequency Reference
Drive frequency reference is set lower than P1-06, Minimum Pump Frequency.


Possible Solutions

The frequency reference is set lower than

P1-06. The frequency reference is

internally set to the P1-06 value during this


This will only be active when the following

conditions are true:
• Drive is NOT in PI Mode
• Minimum Pump Frequency is enabled

(P1-06 > 0.00)

Increase the frequency reference to a value greater than P1-06.

HOA Keypad Display

Minor Fault Name

Freq. Ref Thrust (P4-12)

Thrust Frequency Reference
The fixed frequency reference is set to a value lower than the P4-12, Thrust Frequency, setting.


Possible Solutions

The frequency reference is set lower than

P4-12. The frequency reference is

internally set to the P4-12 value during this


This will only be active when the following

conditions are true:
• Drive is NOT in PI Mode
• Thrust bearing is enabled (P4-12 > 0.00)

Increase the frequency reference to a value greater than P4-12.

5.3 Alarm Detection


YASKAWA TOEP YAIP1W 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump1000 Quick Start Guide