Yaskawa iQpump1000 AC Drive Quick Start User Manual

Page 339

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d4: Frequency Reference Hold and Up/Down 2 Function





LCD Display






Frequency Reference

Hold Function Selection

Fref Hold Sel

0: Disabled

1: Enabled

0: Disabled. Drive starts from zero when the power is switched


1: Enabled. At power up, the drive starts the motor at the Hold

frequency that was saved.

Default: 0

Range: 0, 1


(02AA) Frequency Reference

Bias Step (Up/Down 2) Up/Dn 2 Step Lvl

Sets the bias added to the frequency reference when the Up 2

and Down 2 digital inputs are enabled (H1-oo = 75, 76).

Default: 0.00 Hz

Min.: 0.00

Max.: 99.99



Frequency Reference

Bias Accel/Decel (Up/

Down 2)

Up/Dn 2 Ramp Sel

0: Sel Acc/Dec Time

1: Acc/Dec Time 4

0: Use selected accel/decel time.

1: Use accel/decel time 4 (C1-07 and C1-08).


The functionality of setting 1 is only accessible

via MEMOBUS/Modbus communication.

Default: 0

Range: 0, 1



Frequency Reference

Bias Operation Mode

Selection (Up/Down 2)

Up/Dn 2 Bias Sel

0: Hold Bias Value

1: Reset Bias Value

0: Bias value is held if no input Up 2 or Down 2 is active.

1: When the Up 2 reference and Down 2 reference are both on

or both off, the applied bias becomes 0. The specified accel/

decel times are used for acceleration or deceleration.

Default: 0

Range: 0, 1



Frequency Reference

Bias (Up/Down 2)

Up/Dn 2 Bias Lvl

The Up/Down 2 bias value is saved in d4-06 when the frequency

reference is not input by the digital operator. Set as a percentage

of the maximum output frequency.

Default: 0.0%

Min.: -99.9

Max.: 100.0



Analog Frequency

Reference Fluctuation

Limit (Up/Down 2)

Up/Dn 2 FluctLim

Limits how much the frequency reference is allowed to change

while an input terminal set for Up 2 or Down 2 is enabled. If the

frequency reference changes for more than the set value, then

the bias value is held and the drive accelerates or decelerates to

the frequency reference. Set as a percentage of the maximum

output frequency.

Default: 1.0%

Min.: 0.01

Max.: 100.0



Frequency Reference

Bias Upper Limit (Up/

Down 2)

Up/Dn 2 UpperLim

Sets the upper limit for the bias and the value that can be saved

in d4-06. Set as a percentage of the maximum output frequency.

Default: 100.0%

Min.: 0.0

Max.: 100.0



Frequency Reference

Bias Lower Limit (Up/

Down 2)

Up/Dn 2 LowerLim

Sets the lower limit for the bias and the value that can be saved

in d4-06. Set as a percentage of the maximum output frequency.

Default: 0.0%

Min.: -99.9

Max.: 0.0



Up/Down Frequency

Reference Limit


Up/Dn LowLim Sel

0: D2-02 or Analog

1: D2-02 Only

0: The lower limit is determined by d2-02 or an analog input.

1: The lower limit is determined by d2-02.

Default: 0

Range: 0, 1

B.4 d: References

YASKAWA TOEP YAIP1W 01B YASKAWA AC Drive - iQpump1000 Quick Start Guide



Parameter List